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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You need to assign a Text to the conditional attribute in order for it to show up in the legend box. Same for the axis sections.
  2. I think you have the concepts of Series and Points a little mixed-up. In a Pie chart: - Each series is represented by a whole pie. A chart with 3 series will show 3 Pies, hiding a series will hide one of these pies. - Each point is represented by a slice. There is no API for hiding a point while keeping its value.
  3. This chart only has ONE series. So doing: Chart1.Series[3].Visible = false; Does nothing. What exactly are you trying to do here?
  4. In Chart FX 7, there in ONE unified legend box (no more User Legend Box) Conditional attributes will automatically show in the Legend Box, you don't have to add them. You can not have 2 legend boxes in Chart FX 7.
  5. Add this code: chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 4; // 2 you want to display, + 2 for the percentage (percentages are multiplied by 100).
  6. The messages mean what they say. In IE you are using the .NET Client control which requires full trust to access the clipboard, please refer to the following KB article for more information about Client Control Trust Levels: Q6141001. Security settings required by the .NET client control URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxCS62&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1 Clipboard operations are not supported in FireFox.
  7. I'm having trouble understanding what you want to do. Can you post an image depicting what you want to get and how is your data coming in.
  8. The Legend is shared by all series. There is however an alternative: 1) Assign the label you want to display as follows: chart.Point[series,point].Tag = "My Label"; 2) Setup the Point Labels so that they display this value: chart.PointLabelMask = "%L"; // Or any string containing %L
  9. We are unable to reproduce this problem, assigning chart.Series[3].Visible = false does hides the series on our end. Please proceed as follows: 1) Download latest service pack (I am assuming you are using version 6.2 since you posted on this forum). 2) If you continue to experience the problem, please include a test application that reproduces it.
  10. 1) You are using an older version of Chart FX (6.0)which is no longer supported. You need to upgrade to Chart FX 6.2 (no code changes) or Chart FX 7 (requires some code changes). 2) Please post an application that reproduces the problem.
  11. You must add the values (the column that gives the pie slice its size) as FieldUsage.Value and the labels as FieldUsage.Label.
  12. You can separate an individual slice by setting: chart.Point[sliceIndex].SeparateSlice = separation; As for doing it when the user clicks, you can capture the MouseClick event and put this code there.
  13. Indeed, that is the default, the label angle and layout will be adjusted to fit as many labels as possible. There is however, no guarantee that all labels will show, there is a minimum space allowed between labels to avoid overcrowding. This spacing can be controlled using Axis.LineSpacing. The flag that allows this auto-layout to happen is in Axis.Style: AxisStyles.AutoLabelLayout, and like I mentioned, it is ON by default. Are you not getting this behavior? Are your X-Axis labels always horizontal? Please post a sample program that reproduces this behavior as this is not the expected behavior.
  14. I am aware of the KB article you mentioned, in fact, I was the one who wrote it. This article however, deals with adding the license to an EXE, which is not your case (in this case the EXE is IIS which you have no control over). Even if you embed the license into your dll, this will not work, we only look for the license in the EXE not in any wrapper dlls. There is only two ways of having Chart FX running inside IIS: 1) To run the Chart FX Installer in that server 2) To obtain an OEM license that you can embed in your web application.
  15. We have determined this to be a bug and we will include a fix in the next Service Pack.
  16. We do not support scale breaks in the current version. If the data with different ranges is in separate series you can use multiple Y-Axes to have them in different scales.
  17. Frank

    AxisX -> Max/Min

    By default Min and Max will be calculated so that the data fits the chart.
  18. I really don't see what the difference is between an image generated by Chart FX and any other image. For the browser theory are the same thing (the browser doesn't know anything about Server-Side controls). My only guess is the type of image. You can actually grab the chartfx generated images from the Temp folder and try putting them in your own HTML. Are you using any special attributes in your <img> tag? any filters? Please provide an example of a working HTML page that using static PNG images can overlap two and achieve correct printing.
  19. 1) Add an additional series to the chart containing the totals 2) Set chart.Series[lastSeries].Visible = false; 3) Set: chart.DataEditorObj.ShowHiddenSeries = true;
  20. Frank

    AxisY Format

    This is a bit confusing. You want to show no decimals but you want to have decimals. What does this means? Where do you want to see more than one decimal (what elements of the chart) and where do you want to see none? Check-out Axis.DataFormat, I think this may be what you are looking for.
  21. The same way you bind any other type of chart. The wizard will guide you through it. Each numeric column in your resultset will generate a Pie and there will be one slice for each record (row).
  22. Looks like there is a mixup of gallery types. Try assigning: chart.Gallery = Gallery.Lines;
  23. If you set AutoScale to false, then you are responsible for setting the Min and Max, if you don't then they will remain uninitialized and you will get an exception.
  24. The templates need to be converted. There is a tool provided under your Utils folder (Chart FX installation folder): ChartFX.WinForms.Exporter.exe Run: ChartFX.WinForms.Exporter.exe /? For usage details.
  25. The Chart FX license doesn't allow for that. Chart FX WebForms is licensed per-server, you need a different license for each server on which you want to install. If your application uses Chart FX and you want it to be deployed to servers that don't have a Chart FX license you need an OEM agreement. Please call Software FX sales for details.
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