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Everything posted by Frank

  1. There are two issues here: 1) Your license is temporary. When you installed Chart FX you had the option of: a) Connecting to the internet and obtaining a license Get a challenge code and e-mail it to us to get a license c) Bypass temporarily. Seems that you chose option c) but you never obtained a valid license. You need to re-install and obtain a valid license. 2) You are rendering the chart in the PageLoad and that is not correct. What you need to do is to create the chart in the override of CreateChildControls and add it to the Controls collection of your page (instead of calling RenderControl), this way it will enter as part of your control tree, viewstate, etc. and will be rendered at the appropriate time in the page cycle.
  2. Did you check the "Passing Data" sample application included with the product? Ut can be accessed from the Resource Center. I extracted the relevant code from this sample: /* This function populates the chart using the API. First, you must specify the number of series and points * and then pass the data. In this case we're passing random data. You can also use this method to pass X values, * for which you will use chart1.Data.X[series, point] and chart1.Data.Y[series, point], instead of * chart1.Data[series, point], which is simply to pass Y data. */ chart1.Data.Series = 2; chart1.Data.Points = 15; for (int series = 0; series < chart1.Data.Series; series++) for (int point = 0; point < chart1.Data.Points; point++) chart1.Data[series, point] = r.NextDouble() * 100; You can set X values in a similar way by doing: chart1.Data.X[series, point] = r.NextDouble() * 100;
  3. <img id="_ctl1" src="/chartfx70/pss/ChartFX.aspx?id=0-090411190&type=png&mime=image%2fpng" WIDTH="888" HEIGHT="300" usemap="#_ctl1Map" border="0"/> Is the right output. It seems you got some error from PSS. Check your event log for errors from PSS. Also check the following KB articles: Q7622021. Troubleshooting the PSS Service URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/2/021.htm?_r=1 Q7621004. The Chart FX PSS Service in a nutshell URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/Article.aspx?KBID=7621004&Product=CfxNet70&Embed=0&_r=1
  4. I am unable to reproduce the problem using the latest HotFix. Either I am not doing the sequence right, in which case I would need more instructions and what to do to reproduce the problem, or you are using an older version and the problem has been corrected. You are using the latest service pack (7.0.2893) so it is most likely it is the former. To make sure please contact Software FX support to obtain the latest Hotfix.
  5. Expressions are not supported in Min and Max. Expressions are only supported as part of Actions (Hyperlinking).
  6. In Chart FX Lite, the only way to identify the columns is by index. In Chart FX 7.0, you have the ability to specify which columns to use by name.
  7. The DataType property allows you to select which columns to plot and how to use them (labels, x-values, Y-values).
  8. Thre is probably an error in the driver and it is reporting to .NET that the printer in in Black & White. You can force Chart FX to send a color image to the printer by doing: chart.Printer.ForceColors = true; If the printer can not proint colors or is not setup to do so, you will get a gray-scale aproximation.
  9. All conversion methods require both Chart FX 6.2 and 7.0. My suggestion would be to write a program that converts all the old files you have and then save these new files and get rid of the old ones.
  10. Frank

    Javascript Error

    Please post a sample page that produces this problem. Also, please indicate the version of Chart FX you are using and the Browser.
  11. This works for me: Command cmd = new Command(1); cmd.Text = "My Command";cmd.Script = "MyCommand"; chart1.Commands.Add(cmd); chart1.ToolBar.Insert(0, new ToolBarItem(1)); // 1 beign your command idThen I have 1.png located under a UserCommands folder (on my application's root).
  12. Make sure your Columns are typed, by default a column's type is string which is not ideal for charting: t.Columns.Add("Age",typeof(double));
  13. Please check the following thread: http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/9659.aspx
  14. Frank


    If you mean the Y-Axis labels text color, you can change it by doing: axis.TextColor = color;
  15. You can follow the same procedure for importing from Binary files and from Streams instead of files. SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart chartOld = new SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart(); chartOld.Import(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.FileFormat.Binary,inputStream); ChartFX.WinForms.Wrapper.Exporting.Exporter exporter = new ChartFX.WinForms.Wrapper.Exporting.Exporter(chartOld); exporter.ExportChart(chartNew); // chartNew is a Chart FX 7.0 chart where the file contents will be loaded.
  16. Two things: 1) ToolBar commands are NOT sent back to the server when using the .NET Client Control. The UserCommand event is fired in the client and can be captured using JavaScript. You can then post a call back to the server by either doing a postback or an AJAX call. Check out the following KB articles for details about capturing events in the client and sending AJAX callbacks to the server: Q6141001. Security settings required by the .NET client control URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1 Q7651001. Chart FX for VS 2005 and AJAX URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/765/1/001.htm?_r=1 2) When rendering a custom command as an image, you need to provide an image file for your command and place it under: /yourapplication//UserCommands/<your command id>.png.
  17. There is no API to restore just the toolbar to its original state.
  18. The DataGrid is not capable of displaying the "From" value.
  19. This is working as designed. Statistical galleries can not be changed on a per-series basis, only globally.
  20. Chart FX 6.2 files are not compatible with Chart FX 7.0. You need to convert them. You can not import a 6.2 XML or Binary files using just the wrapper. What you need to do is use the Exporter assembly (ChartFX.WebForms.Wrapper.Exporter.dll) as follows: SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart chartOld = new SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart(); chartOld.Import(SoftwareFX.ChartFX. FileFormat.XML,"fileName");ChartFX.WinForms.Wrapper.Exporting.Exporter exporter = new ChartFX.WinForms.Wrapper.Exporting.Exporter(chartOld); exporter.ExportChart(chartNew); // chartNew is a Chart FX 7.0 chart where the file contents will be loaded. You can also convert all your old XML/Binary files to Chart FX 7.0 format using a command-line tool provided with Chart FX 7.0: C:/>chartfx.winforms.exporter /xml inputFile outputFile
  21. This code doesn't show how the chart is being rendered. Is the chart control being added to the Controls collection in the page? if so, where is this being done. Adding the control too late in the page cycle may cause this problem. Controls should be added on CreateChildControls. Please include the code for the whole page. As for accessing ImageSettings, the wrapper object gives you access to the underlying Chart FX 7 object through the ChartFX7Object property, so you can do: InvChart.ChartFX7Object.ImageSettings.Interactive = false;
  22. What you are seeing is some HTML elements that are part of the AJAX UI but should be hidden from view. Looks like the styles includded to make these elements not vissible is missing from your page. This AJAX functionality is new in Chart FX 7. My gues as to why this is happening is that you are rendering the chart incorrectly. Do you have it at design-time inside the form or are you manually rendering it? You can dissable all AJAX functionality by doing: chart.ImageSettings.Interactive = false;
  23. Please include a sample app that reproduces the problem.
  24. If this code is in the FormLoad, you need to do it only if is NOT a postback, otherwise you will end-up with another title, one coming from the ViewState and the one you are adding with this code.
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