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  1. Hi On my production server running WIN2K8 and IIS 7. I have installed Chart FX 7 (the production option) but I cannot see the PSS Service in the services section on control panel. Do I have to reinstall the software or is there a way I can get the service? Thanks
  2. Hi I am trying to get a line chart onto stacked chart and am struggling. I am using the cross data provider to group some data together. This is what I have so far: I have created a SQLDatasource linked to my stored procedure. I am using the code below to create my stacked chart (which works fine): { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Num_Deals", FieldUsage.Value)); Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("BuyoutExitType", FieldUsage.ColumnHeading)); Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Heading", FieldUsage.RowHeading)); } td.Font = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold); td.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(4, 115, 145); Chart1.Titles.Clear(); td.Text = "PE-backed Exits by Exit Type: Q1 2008-present"; Chart1.Titles.Add(td); // THIS IS THE BAR CHART (Num_Deals) Chart1.AllSeries.Gallery = Gallery.Bar; Chart1.AllSeries.Stacked = Stacked.Normal; Chart1.Series(0).AxisY.Title.Text = "Number of Deals"; Chart1.LegendBox.Dock = DockArea.Bottom; Chart1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1";} Chart Code: <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="500" Width="700" ContextMenus="false"> <SpecialObjects> <chartfx.webforms.dataproviders.crosstabdataprovider assemblyname="ChartFX.WebForms.Data"> </chartfx.webforms.dataproviders.crosstabdataprovider> </SpecialObjects></chartfx7:Chart> How do I get a line graph in here as well. I tried adding my database field (which I wish to chart as a line) as a new field map but then chart fx seems to chart that as a stacked chart rather than creating a new line chart. I am at my wits end here so any help would be great Thanks
  3. Hi I am trying to create a stacked bar chart with a line and I am having some trouble. I have some code below: Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Sold_For_USD", FieldUsage.Value)) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Num_Deals", FieldUsage.Value)) 'Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("BuyOutExitType", FieldUsage.Value)) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Heading", FieldUsage.Label)) The line chart should be "Sold_For_USD" and the bar chart should be "Num_Deals" stacked against BuyOutExitType and the x axis should be Heading. I know how to create a bar chart with a line using this code: ' THIS IS THE LINE CHART (Sold_For_USD) Chart1.Series(0).Gallery = Gallery.Lines Chart1.Series(0).AxisY.Title.Text = "Number of Deals" Chart1.Series(1).AxisY = Chart1.AxisY2 ' ADD A SECOND Y AXIS Chart1.Series(1).AxisY.Title.Text = "$bn" ' THIS IS THE BAR CHART (Num_Deals) Chart1.Series(1).Gallery = Gallery.Bar Chart1.AllSeries.AxisY.Title.Text = "Number of Deals" But I how do I make the bar chart stacked against "BuyOutExitType" I know i can use: Chart1.AllSeries.Stacked = Stacked.Normal but I don't know how to stack it against the field in my query Hope this makes sense thanks in advanced
  4. removing that line results in losing the "thousand separator", which is what I need. Alternatively is there a way I can display the point label as "$20,000 mn" if it is not possible to remove the currency symbol
  5. Is there anyway I can lose the currency symbol???
  6. Hi I have a pie chart with some point labels on it and want to display them as 20,000 instead of 20000. Any ideas on how to do this?? I know you can use: Chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Format = "%v" to display the value but I dont know how to get the separator in there Thanks
  7. I have created a PIE chart but am having problems aligning the title of the chart (which is a title dockable). Basically when the legend is aligned on the left, the title of the chart is in the middle of the actual pie chart instead of the being in the middle of the width of the chart. (see attached to see what i mean). I have tried using the PlotAreaOnly propertry of the title dockable but its still does'nt seem to align correctly. Any ideas ?? thanks
  8. Hi I seem to be having some issues rendering charts on my local development machine. I am running IIS 7 on Windows Vista with .NET 3.5. Basically the chart does not render at all. When I look at the source of the page the following appears where the chart should be: <img id="ctl00$cphPageBody$ucFIMStats$Chart1" src="[url="view-source:http://localhost/chartfx70/pss/ChartFX.aspx?id=0-081712340&type=png&mime=image%2fpng"]/chartfx70/pss/ChartFX.aspx?id=0-081712340&type=png&mime=image%2fpng[/url]" WIDTH="700" HEIGHT="300" usemap="#ctl00$cphPageBody$ucFIMStats$Chart1Map" border="0" oncontextmenu="return SFX_OnChartContextMenu();"/> However on my production server I get: <img id="ctl00$cphPageBody$ucFIMStats$Chart1" src="[url="view-source:http://www.preqin.com/chartfx70/temp/CFV0817_1156540A36D.png"]/chartfx70/temp/CFV0817_1156540A36D.png[/url]" WIDTH="700" HEIGHT="300" usemap="#ctl00$cphPageBody$ucFIMStats$Chart1Map" border="0" oncontextmenu="return SFX_OnChartContextMenu();"/> I found some posts on this forum regarding running the site on port 80 (which it is) and turning the Chartfx07 and pss folders into an application but still cant get it to work Any help on this would be great
  9. do i need to uninstall it..... i was just going to wipe the whole server.. does uninstalling the software send information back to chart fx opening it up to be installed on another server.
  10. Hi I have a full version of Chart FX, we are about to move our site to another server. How do we go about transferring the licence from the old server to the new one. Is it just a matter of installing on the new one or is there more involved? Thanks
  11. Hi I know I can use the "InterpolateHidden" property to join together missing points but is it possible to have a a dotted line (or something else) between the 2 points instead. Thanks in advanced
  12. the code is in the Not ispostback but am still getting the problem
  13. Hi I keep on getting duplicate title names on a graph.... basically I am trying to create the Chart title dynamically depending on what the user has chosen from a dropdown menu. so if they have selected Buyout from the drop down and they click "Chart" then the chart title should read Buyout, if they select venture then the chart tiel should read Venture. Problem is when they first go and select the from the drop down it the chart titles is correct but when they go and select another option from the drop down it the chart title becomes the previous chart title remains and it also shows the new one they have selected. E.g. I go intot the page and I select Venture from the drop down and hit Chart then Venture will show on the chart title, if i then decide select Buyout from the drop down it will show the Venture and Buyout in the title (the data changes fine its just the titles that are causing the problem.) I hae tried puttinng a "If not page.ispostback" around the code but it still won't work. Any ideas: Dim td as New TitleDockable()td.Font = New Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold)td.TextColor = Color.DarkBluetd.Text = ChartTitleType(criteria_type) & " - " & " " & ChartTitleRegion(criteria_type) & ": Median IRR"Chart1.Titles.Add(td)
  14. hi frank managed to get this code and get it positioned to the top right. How do i get a HTML image to display instead of the text and is there a way to get rid of the box Dim annots As New Annotations() chart1.Extensions.Add(annots) Dim arrow As New AnnotationArrow() arrow.Height = 100 arrow.Width = -40 arrow.Attach(2, 50) annots.List.Add(arrow) Dim text As New AnnotationText() text.Text = "This is an Annotation Text" text.Top = 6 text.Left = 540 annots.List.Add(text)
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