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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Please contact Software FX support directly via e-mail or telephone.
  2. You need to contact Software FX Support directly via e-mail or telephone.
  3. - Are you using Chart FX 7 (this is the forum for Chart FX 7) ? - Did you look in the Annotations class? That's where the property is.
  4. > Why do my charts from 6.2 that output in ActiveX not overlay themselves over the same menus as I use now? How are you rendering your charts in 6.2? I don't see how this can be different, both 6.2 and 7.0 generate an <OBJECT> tag. It is out of our control whether that goes on top or below your menu. The only way I can tell what the difference is would be to have two sample forms, one with 6.2 and one with 7.0 that show the different behavior. My guess is that the difference is in the rest of the HTML not the chart. > ImageSettings-ToolTips="WithMouse" <-- Is this what you are talking about? Otherwise, I have not set anything so it would be default. Set it to "AsTitle" (default). Setting it to WithMouse requires that you define 2 javascript functions to handle popon and popoff. Since you are not defining these you are getting a JavaScript error.
  5. If the text is different for each bar, then indeed you need to do a loop. If it is the same for every point: chart.AllSeries.PointLabels.Format = "xyz";
  6. We are currently investigating this issue. Because you didn't provide a repro case, I forwarded the request to our support team so that they can create one. I will post back with their findings. You may want to contact Support directly to open a support ticket and be automatically notified when the issue gets resolved.
  7. If the value for that year comes as null from the dataset, the point will be left "hidden" causing a break in the line. So, to achieve this, have your query return null for all years that are -999.
  8. Frank

    Compact Data

    Compacting data will speed up the paint but will not affect the size of the file as the original data is still kept so that data can be un-compacted through the UI. If you want to reduce the amount of data the chart gets, you have to make this reduction prior to passing the data to the chart, for example, by adding a GROUP BY clause in your SQL query.
  9. Set: annottation.EnableUI = false;
  10. > .Net - Doesnt work with Firefox, Chart over menus. Yes. FireFox doesn't support .NET controls. In IE .NET Client will be on top of every other DOM element as I explained in my previous post. > All others - Everytime I mouse over a bar, title, basically anything on the chart, it gives me a script error in IE6 & IE7. Menus work fine though. Check your image settings. What's the ToolTipFormat set to? Can you please post a WebForm page that reproduces the problem.
  11. There are no padding properties in the chart object, however, you can put the chart inside a DIV or some other HTML element that supports padding.
  12. chart.AllSeries.PointLabels.Format = "%L"; // Shows point text in point label instead of value. See docs. for more options. foreach point in the chart chart.Point[i,j].Text = "xyz";
  13. The annotation objects need to be "attached" to logical coordinates as "elastic" in order for them to be resized with the chart.
  14. The Trust Level in the client box is what matters not the server.
  15. What's RenderFormat set to? .NET Client controls and ActiveX controls are placed on top of other DOM elements by Internet Explorer. If you are rendering as any of these you can not have anything on top of the chart. Only images can be rendered at a lower Z-Order.
  16. Please post the code you are using to attach to the events (the ones not firing). If possible, post a sample application that replicates the problem, this will allow us to determine the cause of the problem more quickly.
  17. This community forum is not the appropriate place for this kind of rants. This is a community of developers helping developers and this is certainly not the way you will get help from others. If you have a complaint or want to report a bug I suggest you contact Software FX support directly via e-mail or phone. Use of abusive language may result in messages being deleted and your account being closed.
  18. This error is not related to PSS not running. This error seems to be related to either a bug in Maps or to an action being done out of sequence. Some actions require the chart to have a size. I would need to have a sample program that reproduces the problem to determine what's causing it. As for the PSS service, it can be used locally (indeed it is recommended) but it can not simulate multiple web servers. In a WebFarm scenario, the PSS service is needed unless the server affinity is set so that all request in the same "session" go to the same server, otherwise you can end up in a situation like this one : 1) http://www.yourdomain.com/WebForm1.aspx runs from Server 1. This forms contains a Chart object. 2) The form renders: <img src="/chartfx70/temp/aaaa.chw" /> 3) The browser requests = http://www.yourdomain.com/chartfx70/temp/aaaa.chw 4) The load-balancing entity directs this request to Server 2 5) 404. File not found (file is in Server 1) There are other advantages of using the PSS service more info here: http://support.softwarefx.com/Article.aspx?KBID=7621004&Product=CfxNet70&Embed=0 http://support.softwarefx.com/Article.aspx?KBID=7621010&Product=CfxNet70&Embed=0
  19. You can not have 2 different data sources in the same chart. You have two options: 1) Combine both datasources into one 2) Write the code to read from both datasources and use the Data API (chart.Data) to pass the data to the chart manually. As for the Bar-Lines chart simply set: chart.Series[0].Gallery = Gallery.Bar; chart.Series[1].Gallery = Gallery.Lines;
  20. The AnnotationText object is not capable of complex formatting. You will need to create multiple annotation text objects, one for each "cell" of your table and manage the layout by positioning these objects accordingly.
  21. We are unable to reproduce this problem. Please post a sample program that shows the issue.
  22. I fond the following in relation to this error: http://blogs.msdn.com/paraga/archive/2006/07/03/655081.aspx As you can see from the stack, the error is coming from Forms Authentication: at System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(String encryptedTicket) Are you using forms authentication? If so, take a look at the following KB article: Q7621009. How to use Chart FX and Forms Authentication to secure your charts URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/1/009.htm?_r=1 BubbleDrillDown.zip
  23. Even running your program I can not make the exception happen using the same version you have. Please take a look at attached video.
  24. First of all you have Chart FX 6.0 not 6.2. Please download the latest service pack. We are unable to reproduce this issue using Chart FX 6.2, please provide a sample program that shows the issue :a textbox showing the right text and the chart showing the wrong text.
  25. Please provide a sample program that reproduces the problem so that we can determine the cause (and possible solution) of the problem.
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