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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I think the delay is caused by either the tooltip or the highlighting. With such a large number of points (dependin g on your chart settings such as marker shape, etc) it is generally a good idea to dissable tooltips and highlighting as it is not very usefull anyways (is hard to hover over a specific point when there are so many of them). Try setting: chart.Highlight.Enabled = false; chart.ToolTips = false;
  2. Do you mean the DataBase server? What part of the Wizard are you refering to? Is the DB server accessible from this computer? How about authentication?
  3. Based on user feedback, we eliminated the end-user help file as it didn't match the application's help-file look and feel, language and technology used (help 2.0, help 1.0, HTML, etc.). Th Help button simply fires an event (InternalCommand with CommandId.Apply) that you can capture to display the appropriate section in your application's help file.
  4. In order to be able to have a marker right at the Y-Axis, the chart needs to be an X/Y chart. You need to supply X-Values, it doesn't matter if they are just 1,2,3,4... but by making it an X/Y chart you wll now have control over the X-Axis as a numerical axis (as opposed to a categorical axis) which will allow you to achieve what you are looking for.
  5. The problem here is that Time values include a date as well, in other words, there is way to pass "1:00 pm" to the chart you need to pass a date too so that 1:00 pm of today is different than 1:00 pm of tomorrow. This is regardless of the labels format. Even thoug you are displaying only the time it doesn't mean that there is not date associated with it. So the datatype in the chart is DateTime regardless o your label format which is used just for displaying. As such, there is no concept of a negative datetime since there is no zero (there is but it doesn't mean anything). It looks that what you are looking for is a TimeSpan datatype. We do not support TimeSpans in this version althought this is something we will have in the next version. What you can do now is "trick" the chart. Here is how you can do it: 1) You will convert your timespan values to integers. You can use the TotalMilliseconds for this. These will end up being possitive and negative numbers, 2) You will leave the X-Axis as numeric. 3) Capture the GetAxisLabel event and convert the label about to be displayed (numeric value. eg. 1000,-1500,etc.) back to a TimeSpan and set the label to be this string.
  6. You need to get the Chart FX for VS 2005 (Web Forms) product. This includes one (production) server and one development license. If you need two or more servers you need to buy additional production/test servers licenses. For more details please go to: http://www.softwarefx.com/sfxNetProducts/cfxVs2005/licensing.aspx You do not need to install VS to install the server portion of the product. The trial version installer is not designed for production use. Once you get the actual product you will get two separate installer options, one for the (production) server and one for the development computer. If you have additional questions please contact Software FX sales.
  7. Looks that there is no license in the server. You need indeed to install CHart FX into the Server, you need a production license. You can install the trial also. You need one production license for each server. There is also a Test-Server license you can use for your test server (cheaper).
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