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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You need to create a custom gridline on the main Y axis: chart.AxisY.CustomGridlines.Add(new CustomGridLine(value));
  2. Hello. We have fixed this problem internally but have not yet published a Service Pack. Please contact Software FX support for access to the latest HotFix.
  3. To hide a series from the legend box: chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.Series , 0].Visible = false;
  4. No. Version 7 templates are forward compatible no matter what build you are using.
  5. 1) There should only one definition for SFX_SendUserCallback 2) SFX_SendUserCallback is asynchronous and you cannot make a second call untill the first one is completed. If you need to make two calles you have to "chain them", that is to set it up so that the second call gets initiated AFTER the first call returns from the server. For example: SFX_onCallbackReadyDelegate = function (context, result) { SFX_processing = false; SFX_SendUserCallback ('chart1',...); // Call the second time (for chart2) AFTER the first call is done. }; SFX_SendUserCallback ('chart1',...);
  6. Are you using the latest Service Pack (please check our support site)? If the problem is happening with the latest service pack please provide a sample program that reproduces the problem along with specific instructions on how to make the problem evident.
  7. Yes, simply create a Line chart and add the following line of code: chart1.AllSeries.Horizontal = true;
  8. We do not include an MDX creation UI for the end user.
  9. No. No unmanaged DLL works on both 32-Bit and 32-Bits. We have 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions of Chart FX 6.2 that share the same codebase. So you can use each one on each environment. More information here: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/13f991a5-45eb-496c-8618-2179c3753bb0.mspx?mfr=true "On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit processes cannot load 64-bit DLLs, and 64-bit processes cannot load 32-bit DLLs. If you plan to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows, you must configure IIS to create 32-bit worker processes"
  10. ChartFX Internet 5.5 COM is 32-Bits only. We have a 64-Bit unmanaged version of Chart FX 6.2. Also, all of our .NET versions can be used in 64-Bits.
  11. Is your interop assembly compiled for 64-Bits? If you have IIS running in 64-Bits, all of your unmanaged dlls must be in 32-Bits. Managed libraries will work in both 32-Bit and 64-Bit without any changes.
  12. After the Export the Stream pointer will be at the end of it. Rewind it before calling Import: myStream.Position = 0;
  13. I think the best way to do this is to create an additional data series of type Gallery.Scatter: chart.Series[x].Gallery = Gallery.Scatter; In this series you can assign a picture to the marker as follows: chart.Series[x].MarkerShape = MarkerShape.Picture; chart.Series[x].Picture = imageToDisplay; If you have different images for different points, you can do something similar with the Point dictionary: chart.Point[x,i].Picture = imageToDisplay; For those points you don't want any image you can simply assign Chart.Hidden to their value.
  14. No. Tooltips are displayed using standard Windows APIs. The setting for color and font are taken from the system.
  15. There is no built-in functionality to write the chart data as an XML. You will have to write this functionality within your application. You can use the Data API to obtain the data from the chart.
  16. Instead of calling render control, you must add the chart control to the page control tree at the appropriate time in the page lifecycle (CreateChildControls override). This way the chart can participate in all the stages of the page rendering cycle allowing it to inject scripts, style sheets to enable AJAX functionality.
  17. What you are looking for is provided by a piece of functionality we call Conditional Attributes. Check the programmer's guide for details.
  18. > When running these sites in Debug mode ... Do you mean by this that you are doign Debug-Go in Visual Studio? If so, check the <img> tag generated by Chart FX in your page. Where is it pointing to? are there files created under your application folder's Temp folder?
  19. PSS will log any erros to the application event log. Please check there for more information.
  20. Which value is that? Can you provide with a screenshot?
  21. When you do ForceDataDriven, the X-Axis becomes categorical, thus the value of the custom gridlines attach to it must contain an index in the axis not an actual date-time value.
  22. You can assign any color to any item in the chart. You are not limited to the current palette. Items assigned a color will no longer change when the palette is changed.
  23. I think you are misinterpreting the meaning of AxisStyles.AutoFirstLabel. When AxisStyles.AutoFirstLabel is ON, it will adjust the first label so that it is a "round" number. In the case of Dates, this means to adjust to the nearest "beginning of interval". For example, if there is one label per month, the first label will show at the last day of the first month of data. In your case, labels are being displayed per week, so leaving AxisStyles.AutoFirstLabel ON (default) should display the first label on the first Sunday. Turning it OFF will display the fist label for the first point in the data. For this specific data, what would you like to be displayed as the first label?
  24. chart.AxisX.Line.Color = color;
  25. The Update Panel does not support ActiveX controls properly.
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