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  1. does some one know how to get data from chart when the series is already hidden? the case is i have chart with a lot of data (> 2years) and when i do callback (SFX_SendUserCallback) to show some series which i hide before and do some scroll view then i want to get some point value to do calculation from the other hidden series. and I cant retrieve value of ChartFx.Data.Y from hidden series to have some statistic calculation on the fly... this will improve performance to avoid many database connection... and the 2nd question is ... can i change Data.Y on some points and reflecting to chart? please help me... Thanks
  2. Thanks Andre, anyway I found the root cause problem... If we set axis Y to axisY2 on the first page load(postback)... and when callback event raised then we must add syntax to re-setting the axisY series to AxisY2 again.... I think if chartfx still keep all styles when callback then it should be included style of axisY2 right? void page_load(){ MainChartFX.AllSeries.AxisY = MainKPIChart.MainChartFX.AxisY2; } void ChartFx1_Callback(){ MainChartFX.AllSeries.AxisY = MainKPIChart.MainChartFX.AxisY2; MainChartFX.SetScrollView(x1, x2); }
  3. guys can you please help me.... I have built my chart to following sample page on the ChartFX demo to creating zoomscroll chart, see following link: http://demo.softwarefx.com/chartfx/aspnet/ajaxsamples/ and choose sample zoom scrollbar. but when i change the the series to AxisY2, then i got error "overflow" do you have any idea how to resolve it? I think this is bugs on chartFX. whether i change setscrollview parameter by hardcoded value, it still got error. To reproduce the error, just download the code from demo linkhttp://demo.softwarefx.com/chartfx/aspnet/ajaxsamples/ and change series axis to axisY2 ChartDetail.AllSeries.AxisY = ChartDetail.AxisY2; ChartWhole.AllSeries.AxisY = ChartWhole.AxisY2; Thank you R. Hadi
  4. laros79


    thank you Juanz... now its clear that the problem is not on our code. or do you have any solution how to minimize the time such as change coonfiguration or should i change the way i render the chart? is this could be happened also on the new version chartFX 7? again, thanks juanz for quick responses...
  5. laros79


    All - I have problems on my production server. after I installed monitoring tools, ChartFX component produce a lot error and slow performance. I use chartFX 6.2 to produce chart on web screen. You can see snapshot on attachement. The second row is method GetHTMLTag() which called by webpage to render chart and this method actually not consuming time much (generally 0.3 seconds).And the biggest part is GetLicense() method that is needed by ChartFX internally. We still don
  6. Thanks Frank, but when i did it on previosu version 6.0 (chartFX.Internet) .. it was good and works... is that any reason why it must need httpcontext.current whenever we don't need to check whether using ActiveX control or not. because if we export it into SVG. it should be processing SVG stream without check ActiveX in httpContext, right? do you have any idea to manipulate it? or should i go back using previuos version? again thanks
  7. Dear All - I have a problem in 2 days not solve.. . the background: we want to save all stream chart into blob database column. I really appreciate your help. the situation is:when we are executing method RenderToStream in web projects, it's fine... ,but when i create library project C# to run method RenderToStream then showing error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." the error stack trace is: at ChartFX.WebForms.Writer.Svg.SvgWriter.b(Stream A_0, OutputText A_1, OutputInfo A_2) at ChartFX.WebForms.Internal.OutputScript.b(Stream A_0, OutputText A_1, OutputInfo A_2) at ChartFX.WebForms.Chart.a(Stream A_0, IOutputWriter A_1, OutputText A_2, OutputText A_3, OutputInfo A_4) at ChartFX.WebForms.Chart.a(String A_0, Stream A_1, TextWriter A_2, TextWriter A_3) at ChartFX.WebForms.Chart.RenderToStream(Stream content, TextWriter imgMap, TextWriter htmlTag) below is snapshot code:Chart chart1 = new Chart(); chart1.ImageSettings.ToolTips = ImageToolTipStyle.AsTitle; chart1.ID = "SalesChart"; System.Text.StringBuilder strBuilder1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(""); System.Text. StringBuilder strBuilder2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");System.IO.StringWriter strWriter1 = new System.IO.StringWriter(strBuilder1); System.IO. StringWriter strWriter2 = new System.IO.StringWriter(strBuilder1);System.IO.Stream svgStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); svgStream.Position = 0; chart1.OutputWriter = new ChartFX.WebForms.Writer.Svg.SvgWriter(); chart1.RenderToStream(svgStream, strWriter1, strWriter2); svgStream.Position = 0; System.Xml.XmlTextReader svgReader = new XmlTextReader(svgStream); svgReader.Namespaces = true;XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(svgReader); XmlElement svgRoot = doc.DocumentElement; svgRoot.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem( "xml:space");XmlAttribute aspectAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("preserveAspectRatio");aspectAttr.Value = "none"; svgRoot.Attributes.Append(aspectAttr); svgStream.Close(); strWriter1.Close(); strWriter2.Close();
  8. thanks for the response. I was thinking to remove the label on first point at X Axis is using property AutoFirstLabel=OFF. but anyway what i want here is I just want to make the step on Axis X (Date) is based on what i set it up on CustemStep properties which start from after the first label. let say for example: the axisX data start from 01 Jan 2008 to 30 Jan 2008. but the label that i want to show up is: start from 7 Jan and then 14 Jan, 21 Jan, 28 Jan. And there will be no first label show, in this case 01 Jan 08. then the code should be: chartFX.AxisX.CustomSteps = new double[] { 7.5, 14.5, 21.5, 28.5}; with the above code, currently the axis X still show label 01 Jan 2008 that i 'm no expect for it to show up as first label. and what i expect is like the custom step that the first label should be 7 jan 08. and one more question: why do the step always require 0.5 more to make it the axis point in the middle of bar?Thanks.
  9. yes ChartFx Cant do that. I also hope that feature... but how to handle the problem if you want to make object as parent chart, I always create polymorphism methode in parent object that inherit ChartFX.webform.chart, one method using "this" as chart object and other using ChartFX.webform.chart as parameter object. so the whole chart in my application has equal standard format.
  10. yes inherit ... it can work. I think you miss to reference the ChartFX.WebForms.dll and it dependency public class WebPortalChart : ChartFX.WebForms.Chart{ }
  11. Try to use callback using java script var chartUniqueID = getChartUniqueID();document.all('CallbackWaitLabel').style.display = 'inline'; SFX_onCallbackReadyDelegate = function (context, result) {document.all('CallbackWaitLabel').style.display = 'none';SFX_onCallbackReadyDelegate = null;};SFX_RefreshCallbackData();SFX_SendUserCallback(chartUniqueID,parameterValue, false);
  12. HI - Lars, did you mean to rendering the chart from code behind? if yes the menu will not be showed even you set theChart.ImageSettings.Interactive=True which should be as property to activate the menu. But if you place the chartFX tag on aspx file and you want there is no more intalation on client better you use Image rendering whic will render into PNG file and javascript as control interaction and if you want to change the chart tryu using AJAX callback. <chartfx7:Chart ID="KeyTrendsClientChart" runat="server" Height="400" Width="800" RenderFormat="Image" UseCallbacksForEvents="true" ImageSettings-Interactive="true" > <ToolBar Visible="True" /> </chartfx7:Chart>
  13. forums - I need your help ... 2 days i try to solve but no result ...I have chart with date format in AxisX, and i also have customstep that will assign to that axisX. and the step start not from first X label then i take out style auto first label. but why the first label still show up even i use custome step & also already take out the autoFristlabel style? DateTime minAxisX = Convert.ToDateTime(chartDataTable.Rows[0][0]);DateTime maxAxisX = Convert.ToDateTime(chartDataTable.Rows[chartDataTable.Rows.Count - 1][0]);chartFX.AxisX.Min = minAxisX.ToOADate();chartFX.AxisX.Max = maxAxisX.AddDays(1).ToOADate(); int stepDate = maxAxisX.Subtract(minAxisX).Days / 4;double step = (minAxisX.AddDays(stepDate).ToOADate() - activeChart.AxisX.Min);chartFX.AxisX.CustomSteps = new double[] { step - (stepOneDay / 2), step, step, step, step, step, step };chartFX.AxisX.Style &= ~ChartFX.WebForms.AxisStyles.AutoFirstLabel;please take a look on the attachement DataPathBugSample.zip
  14. how do i put value to define gap or space or distance between label in Axis X. currently I have chart which has label overlap each other. please see my attachment. and also the wierd thing is width of bar is defferent each other. Thanks. http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/rhadi/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/svgChartFx.bmp
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