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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I guess you are talking about the Y-Axis gridlines. I think you have a point. I will log it as a suggestion.
  2. 1) If you are rendering the chart as an image, there is not "Chart Object" in the client so anything you do to the chart will need to go back to the server. 2) You could generate n different images for different datasets and use JavaScript to show/hide one of them. 3) If you are using the .NET client control, you can write JavaScript to pass new data to the chart using the Data API (same API available in the server component). You will require full trust in the client browser in order to perform Javascript operations against the chart object.
  3. Make sure the installer is downloaded to a local folder and NOT to the temporary files folder. In other words don't run the installer directly from the link in the browser but instead, download it to a folder in your local HD and run it. Shifted: If you want to compare our product against Dundas you should download a trial version of the full product. Comparing it with the free lite version is really not a fair comparison.
  4. The pop-up properties window is not supported when rendering as image (AJAX).
  5. Try this at the beginning of your code: chart1.getAllSeries().setGallery(Gallery.BAR);
  6. Make sure all your project references are pointing to the correct ones and set the SpecificVersion property of all of them to False.
  7. Replace: Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("x", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Label)); With: Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("x", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.XValue));
  8. Unfourtunatelly this information is not enough for us to determine the cause of the problem. Please post a sample app that reproduces the problem.
  9. Unfortunately this information is not enough for us to determine the cause of the problem. Please post a sample app that reproduces the problem.
  10. Looks like a problem with Trust. In order for the Chart control to access the DOM and affect the ViewState of the page, it needs to communicate with IE which is an unmanaged program. Therefore, the control requires full trust to perform this operation. Check out the following KB articles for more information about trust: Q6141001. Security settings required by the .NET client control URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1 Q7121096. Configuring client for full functionality of .Net charts URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1
  11. We do not send a message back to the server for every action you take on the Client Control, these are handled locally in the client, that's one of the advantages of using the client control. When there is a postback generated either by the chart or by another control, the state of the client is sent back and the ViewState is updated accordingly.
  12. Simply set the ToolTipFormat property to: chart1.ToolTipFormat = "%l\nClose:%v3\nHigh:%v4";
  13. Since "period" is a string, you want to assign it as labels not as X-Values: Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("period", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Label)); Also, your columns don't have a type, therefore, they are all String Columns. You can change that by doing: dt.Columns.Add("grans1", typeof(double));
  14. You need an OEM agreement. Please contact Software FX sales.
  15. No. We call these Custom Gridlines and they are available in the full version of the product.
  16. Set: crosstabProvider.RowHeadingSettings = RowHeadingSettings.CompressedXValues;
  17. If you are generating an image, scrolling will NOT work in 6.2. Check the value of your HtmlTag property.
  18. Are you generating an image or a .NET Control? If you are generating an image, there is no UI, including scrolling. AJAX UI is a feature of Chart FX 7.
  19. .NET Controls and ActiveX controls will always be on top (in Z-Order) of all other DOM elements in Internet Explorer. This is a limitation of Internet Explorer. If you want to put elements on top of the chart, you need to generate the chart as an image.
  20. This is your code: protected override void CreateChildControls() { //GetNewChart(ref m_Chart); //This Function call runs wihout error under IIS //Response.Write(m_Chart); //The following function call works well with Visual Studio 2008 in built web server but crashes with IIS Thread WorkerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetNewChart)); //When this function is executed under IIS it crashes on the Chart1.RenderControl(MyHtmlWriter) functionWorkerThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(10000); Response.Write(m_Chart); } You can not create the chart in a separate thread and you don't write to the Respose stream during a CreateChildControls call.In the CreateChildControls you must do: m_chart = new Chart(); // Configure chart .... m_someDiv.Controls.Add(m_chart); // This adds it to the control tree and it will be rendered along with other elements I don't understand what you are trying to do with this thread. The page cycle is synchronous. Attached, please find an example application that dynamically creates a chart correctly.
  21. .NET Controls and ActiveX controls will always be on top (in Z-Order) of all other DOM elements in Internet Explorer. This is a limitation of Internet Explorer.
  22. You need an X/Y plot. This is not supported in the Lite version but it is supported in the full version of the product.
  23. Yes. Chart FX 7 requires the .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. It works in .NET 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 (both 32-Bit and 64 bit versions of them).
  24. Use: double xValue = chart.AxisX.PixelToValue(e.X); Where e is the event args of the MouseClick event.
  25. I was able to reproduce the problem. thank you for providing us with that video. We have determined this to be a bug and it has been logged as such. We will make our best effort to fix it in the next service pack. Because of the nature of this issue: 1) It does not cause an exception 2) It only happens in very extreme conditions (after zooming in many times to a very small range) It has not been deemed a critical issue, if your particular situation makes it critical, please contact Software FX support directly.
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