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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You can not selectively just remove the Series' Text from what gets saved. You can remove all the series attributes by using FileContents.SeriesAttributes.
  2. Use the PrePaint and PostPaint events instead. > I have tried to use the PostPaint event but it does not fire often enough. What do you mean by "often enough"? By default the chart caches the chart image until a property is changed, if you are painting differently even as chart properties remain the same, you need to disable image caching by doing: chart.ExtraStyle = ~ChartStyles.CacheImage;
  3. Instead of: chart1.AxisY.Min = double.MinValue; // Is there another way to set the Min to
  4. Please provide with a sample program that we can run here (use a standard SQL Server Database if the sample requires one) that reproduces the problem.
  5. I watched the video over and over and try to mimic what you were doing. However, I was unable to get the exception. I tried with a default line chart with the same number of series and points you have (3 and 5). Are you using the latest Service Pack from our support site? Are you doing any customizations to this chart either at design-time or in code?
  6. The number of series is determined by the data: chart,Opendata(COD.Values,numberOfSeries,numberOfPoints); Or if you are databinding your chart, the umber of series is inferred from the datasource.
  7. We automatically interpret 30 days as 1 month and 90 days as a quarter. Setting the interval to 1 month will put a label for every month in the data regardless of where the data start, if the data starts in the middle of a month, that month will be displayed smaller in the x-axis. The tickmarks will always be at then calendar months' boundaries. same logic for quarters.
  8. The Service Pack can be applied to trial, development and production versions of Chart FX.
  9. Set: chart.AxisX.Step = new TimeSpan(90,0,0,0); // 90 days ~ 1 Quarter
  10. In IE the chart is being rendered as an active .NET Client control, in FF it is beign rendered as an image. In order for the .NET Client to be able to execute links, it needs full trust. For more info check the following KB articles: Q6141001. Security settings required by the .NET client control URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet62&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1 Q7121096. Configuring client for full functionality of .Net charts URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet62&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1
  11. You failed to mention a very important thing (that's why posting a sample program is so important): You are setting this from within a GetPointLabel event handler! You can not do that. The GetPointLabel event is fired as the chart is being drawn. You cannot make any changes to the chart from within an event that occurs during painting. You need to set this up outside of this event handler, for example in your FormLoad handler where you set your chart's data.
  12. If you add two fields as FieldUsage.Value, two series will plot, regardless of whether this is the same field or not. Obviously, if it is the same field the data will be the same so if you are plotting a line chart, you will see only one line (the one on top). I may not be understanding the problem, if so please post a sample program that reproduces the situation you are describing.
  13. This sounds like a bug. 1) Please make sure you are using the latest service pack from our support site. 2) Please provide a sample program that reproduces the problem using the latest service pack.
  14. Yes. After you call CloseData you can get: int seriesCount = chart.NSeries; int pointCount = chart.NValues;
  15. All series attributes are serialized when the series collection is serialized. There is no support for filtering out specific series attributes (such as text). I see two options: 1) Remove series attributes right before saving (and restore them right after) 2) Store them right before reading and then set the old values back after.
  16. You are absolutely right. By default these changes are not sent. You can fix this by setting: chart.TemplateMask = FileMask.Template | FileMask.Scale;
  17. We do not support "scale breaks" in the current version. We only support linear and logarithmic scales.
  18. The InternalCommand event is sent before the action executes. You need to read the values from the chart after you return from the InternalCommand event handler. An easy way to achieve this is to create a Windows Form Timer with an interval of 1 (smallest possible) and fire it as you get the event. This will queue the request in the Window's message queue and will be processed as soon as your application becomes idle.
  19. No. The production server installation does not require Visual Studio to be installed. The development installation as well as the trial version do.
  20. Please post a sample program that reproduces the produces the problem. I tried the following code and worked perfectly: chart1.Points[1,5].PointLabels.BackColor = Color.Red;
  21. The exception you are getting is due to a lack of permission to the registry required by .NET Cryptography provider. I do not know exactly what part of the registry they access and I couldn't find anywhere where they say it. So I can not tell you exactly what portion of the registry you need access to.
  22. I just check our system and the bug was logged as bug 1725 fixed on 5/1/08. Which is AFTER the last service pack. So you need to contact Software FX Support to obtain the latest HotFix V 7.0.3071 or newer.
  23. Yes. In order to ensure the bug gets logged in our system and to receive a notification when the bug is fix and a hotfix becomes available you need to contact Software FX support. To save some time, make sure you provide them with a sample app that reproduces the problem. This problem in particular seems to be data related so the code snippet you posted is probably not going to be enough for the support guys to reproduce it. Maybe you can copy the data this particular chart has and create a sample that plots the same chart but where the data is hard-coded.
  24. Annotations can be placed behind the chart: annotationObject.PaintBefore = true; The annotation option requires a little more code, that's why I suggested the axis sections if the colors didn't have to be specific.
  25. The best option I see is to create annotation rectangles (using the annotation extension) for each of the colored rectangular areas.Annotation objects can be attach to logical X and Y axis coordinates so that they can be moved and resize as a response to changes in the scale (e.g. size of the chart changes). There is documentation for creating annotation objects in the programmer's guide. That should get you there. If the specific colors are not important but all you care about is that they are different from each other, you can achieve this by creating translucent axis sections in both the X-and Y-Axis. The intersection of two or more translucent colors will produce a different color.
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