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Everything posted by marco.shaw

  1. I think I understand... You will not be able to add such logic via the creator. You will have to build a PowerShell script to do the calculations, then dynamically create your out-chart parameters. If you can give me a simple example of your data (initial format also), I can write something that should get you at least started...
  2. Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but gadgets like out-map allow you to save the output to a static image. You lose the mouse-over effects though, and would lose any drill-down capabilites, if applicable.
  3. See this thread: http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/9037.aspx
  4. Stefan, Yup, I've already got CS2 (and now CS3 is out!). I already created a custom SVG and got it working with out-map.
  5. I tried Inkscape too, but that failed. I posted to a Inkscape list, and the developers thought it should work, but it didn't, and I didn't bother continuing to try. TestCharts.zip
  6. So you're saying you have out-map, then have a combination of out-gauge/out-chart gadgets on top? For example, you want out-map in the background, then have the out-gauge/out-chart gadgets maybe show in each corner of the map? You can position out-gauge gadgets (I'll assume out-chart also, but don't have access to the docs right now). You can put all of these calls into one PowerShell script, and I think that would address you're "one-click" requirement?
  7. Great post! Thanks for the details. I've tried a couple of other SVG tools out there, but Illustrator seems to be the only one that can be used with PowerGadgets. If anyone knows of any other SVG tools out there, let me know and I can try them out. Contact me via my blog: http://marcoshaw.blogspot.com
  8. Hmmm... It would seem to me that MySQL.com is saying that the default .NET framework install doens't have support for MySQL connecting, but there are workarounds though to get MySQL support in .NET: http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/dotnet/ From there, you might have to build your own PowerShell SQL queries from scratch. I can try to help futher if you're really stuck. MySQL on Windows or remote on UNIX/Linux?
  9. Announce this in the 'cool scripts' forum here! Definitely a cool PowerGadget you've developed.
  10. Should the refresh work properly in a case like this where a declare a multiline statement directly in the shell? new-timespan -start (get-date) -end (get-date -hour 13 -minute 00)| `out-gauge -value totalminutes -type digital -refresh 00:01:00 -floating `-topmost -titles_0_text "Minutes left" -titles_0_layout_target AnchorPoint `-titles_0_layout_anchorpoint 0.5,0.10 I found it did *not* work. I needed to declare everything on one single line for the refresh to properly work. Marco
  11. A few things you can do: 1. Add c:\scritps\project to your path, then you can just call "config.ps1", instead of ".\config.ps1" or other. 2. Hardcode c:\scritps\project\config.ps1 in your original script.
  12. "One issue that I see is that the 5 ranges that are displayed in the legend do not dynamically adjust as the overal range of counts get larger. Initially when I first created the gadget the top value was 50. But now that I am using the gadget in production...the top value is 200+ but the 5 buckets that make up the ranges in the legend do not dynamically readjust to reflect the new range of values, 1 - 200. I have tried adjusting this with the creator tool...but it is still stuck at a top-end value of 50." Sounds like you have hardcoded values from Creator. Once you see the full out-map command in a ps1 script or on the command line, you will have other options like not declaring any values at all and using "-steps", for example. The -steps option to out-map will cause out-map to calculate the best fit for your values, and if you do "-steps 5", for example, out-map will split your minimum value (or 0?), and your maximum value in 5 equal blocks. This may cause you to have to rethink how you do your coloring though.
  13. Are you willing to share your Exchange 2007 scripts? I'd be curious to see them.
  14. I haven't seen a response yet as to whether there's a hidden .pgf to .ps1 'translator'. It is possible that your only option currently is to build the .ps1 yourself by hand. Just for fun, I'm thinking about if I can easily create a PSH script to convert, but it could be days/weeks before I have something written. If you're willing to post it here/share it, I might be able to translate it for you, but again, it could be a few days.
  15. I want to create some custom maps with something other than Adobe Illustrator. Is there any way to debug (a flag or something) when loading an SVG file that fails? I created one last night, tried to load it with out-map, and PowerShell "blew up". ;-) Marco
  16. http://www.codeplex.com/PowerShellCX PSCX 1.1 was just recently released, and includes a cmdlet named ping-host: NAME Ping-Host SYNOPSIS Sends ICMP echo requests to nework hosts. SYNTAX Ping-Host [-HostName] [[-Count]] [[-BufferSize]] [cut off here...] Parameters>] DETAILED DESCRIPTION Sends ICMP echo requests to nework hosts. Then you have access to several properties, and no annoying popup window. Sample.zip
  17. This will get your started... Copy and paste into your PSH session: $val=Get-WmiObject win32_Processor|%{$_.loadpercentage}$val1=(get-wmiobject Win32_Process).countout-gauge -type digital -value $val -float -innergauges_add digital `-innergauges_0_digitalpanel_value $val1 -refresh 0:0:1 Only problem is that the -refresh will not work. I think for it to work, the first 2 lines will have to be in a ps1 script. Then they will have to pass their output to out-gauge. Now, the complicated part might be that your trying to pass 2 values via a ps1 script, which you won't be able to do just by outputting a string. You might actually have to pass *objects* to out-gauge so you can set your -value. I don't know how to have a ps1 script output actual objects off the top of my head right now. There might be another way that I can't think of right now... I'll keep thinking about it unless someone else comes up with a solution.
  18. There's a -tooltip "foo" arg for out-gauge. I'm pretty sure there's another flag to embed text directly in the gauge, but I can't find it/remember it right now.
  19. You might be able to combine some of these, but you'll want to put all of these commands in a ps1 script, and pipe it to out-gauge: $time=Get-WmiObject -class Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System|%{$_.systemuptime}[datetime]::now.addseconds(-$time).tostring("yy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss") (I don't get why you'd want to do a refresh when the start time isn't actually going to change.) The last line above uses .NET to format. The 2 lines above could be combined into one, but I find the above easier to read.
  20. Oh, and instead of doing "/1024/1024", you can just do "/1mb" with PowerShell.
  21. http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/9227.aspx You should put your logic to get the process count in a ps1 script and pass that to out-gauge, then the refresh should work. A shortcut you can use is just $(ps).count...
  22. Some kind of versioning information might also be useful for the getting started PDF guide. There's a lot of good/new information since the first time I looked at the guide.
  23. 1. I can create something on the connect site if nobody else has access. They seemed to have since 'hidden' PowerShell so it is hard to find it to create any items. 2. NetCmdlets (www.nsoftware.com/powershell) has a 'send-ping' cmdlet which may help out here. It is giving an error in my install and I've contacted /n software on it. It is currently in beta2...
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