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Everything posted by marco.shaw

  1. You can do this with a scriptblock: Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Redirector | out-gauge -value {$_.BytesTotalPersec/1000} -float -refresh 0:0:1 -type digital
  2. The sofware used for this forum is great! Here's a blog entry on how to get an RSS feed of the comments to each blog entry for anyone interested: http://marcoshaw.blogspot.com/2007/03/comments-feed-in-community-server.html It will require manually adding each feed. This could also be incorporated into my previous post here on how to combine RSS feeds of these forums while using RSSBus and NetCmdlets both from /n software. The next release of Community Server (currently in beta) will have a viewable RSS feed link. Marco
  3. I like the changes done to the website over the last day or so. Marco
  4. I've added a blog entry with an example of out-chart along with some of its features. I get the results from a web page, create .NET objects, do some sorting and grouping, create a hashtable, create more .NET objects... *Phew*... All to end up with a chart of the number of entries in an online scripting contest. http://marcoshaw.blogspot.com/2007/03/another-powergadgets-example.html
  5. I don't know, but by looking at your post, I'm seeing extra "$record" statements, above and beyond my code sample, for example. Also from the error "op_addition" error, it doesn't seem like declaring just "$listing=@()" is doing the job for you for some reason. Maybe try "[array]$listing=@()" instead.
  6. Try this... Take this last line from your script: # Count the number of Alerts per Severity and refreshes every minute get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -eq "0"} | group-object severity | sort-object name | select Count, Name Change to (ignore the empty lines... darn HTML formatting): $listing=@() $listing=get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -eq "0"} | group-object severity | ` sort-object name | select Count, Name $states=@() $listing|%{$states+=$_.name} $levels=@("information","warning","error") foreach ($level in $levels){ if(!($states -contains $level)){ $record = new-object -typename system.object $record | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name count -value 0 [void]$foreach.movenext() $record | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name name -value $level $listing+=$record } } Now pipe $listing to out-chart. There is likely other ways to accomplish this. Give that a try and let me know...
  7. I think option will require that you actually create real .NET objects when there is no alerts for that particular severity. I'm short on time right now, but I think I can write something for you in the next 24 hours that might fix you up, or at least get you one or two steps ahead of where you are now...
  8. How about it guys? Even if a small txt file was placed on the web server with the current build number...
  9. Thanks. I ended up looping through the values, and creating an object for each.
  10. I'm creating a chart with a large number of values for a label. Think of something like: "ps|out-chart -label processname -values cpu" Is there any kind of formatting features I can use for the labels? Like rotating them to a 45 degree angle or using a "force" option to make sure I see all the labels (even if there might be "collisions" or overlaying). (Maybe I'll have to implement the drilldown feature...)
  11. Something simple like: $a=@{canada="1,2,3"} Even after running get-member to determine the name of the properties, this won't work: $a|out-chart -label keys -values values Actually, I'm wanting to do something like this, and am wondering if it might actually work somehow: $a|out-chart -label keys -values $a["canada"].split(',')[0],$a["canada"].split(',')[1],$a["canada"].split(',')[2] If not, I'll have to set off in a different direction...
  12. Perhaps you can make use of this to store the credentials: http://geekswithblogs.net/lance/archive/2007/02/16/106518.aspx
  13. That was it thanks. I'd been in there before, but never noticed that setting. I've also seen the 'send me an email option' also. It's in there, but I've never gotten any emails from this forum. Is that fully enabled? I'll have to check my gmail spam filter...
  14. One improvement that I wanted to develop was to somehow automate the setup of all the RSS feeds in these forums. Since the forums have an RSS feed that lists only threads, and then the threads themselves have RSS feeds that list only the posts to the thread, I wanted something to automate and maybe even combine all the RSS feeds into one. Using a couple of free products from /n software, which is a good partner of PowerGadgets, I've successfully setup a working solution: http://marcoshaw.blogspot.com/2007/02/example-of-grouping-common-rss-feeds.html Marco
  15. I'm doing some work on the forum with RSS feeds. Seems since earlier today, some articles have disappeared? I was seeing roughly 245 articles, and now am only seeing about 190. For example, some entries in the 'cool scripts' forum are gone.
  16. (I don't have Vista...) Can I setup out-gauge to present a gadget that remains on top of all other windows?
  17. What I'm thinking is creating an HTTP get in my PowerShell profile that can get the current version and send me a popup when it appears a new version is out. I'll share the code in the tips forum...
  18. I'd like to see the latest build number posted somewhere on the site. What I'm thinking is creating something in my PowerShell profile that can go and retrieve that number when I start PowerShell and send me a popup when there appears to be a newer version available.
  19. Thanks for looking this up. I completely missed looking more closely at the details of what I thought were failures. I'll have to think of a way to programatically add feeds to each thread!
  20. I can 100% confirm there is a problem with the RSS feed to the support group forum. The last entry that shows in the feed is from Friday.
  21. What is the exact out-chart command you are using? As JuanC indicates, you have to call it something like "out-chart -values MessageCount -label {$_.Identity}" to get it to properly display like I think you want it. [Edit: I clearly missed that the Creator was being used, and out-chart wasn't being called directly from the PowerShell command-line.]
  22. All other forums appear to be working OK, perhaps there's something with the support forum, but I'll keep an eye on it.
  23. PSH> gc chart.tmpCountry,ValueCanada,1Canada,10 PSH> import-csv chart.tmp|out-chart -values value -label country -palette highcontrast -series_0_gallery lines The result is a solid green line to represent the line chart type. However, I'd like to know if I can vary the color of the line itself, depending on the value at that point, or even a gradual change in color of the line.
  24. I like the addition of the sizing and scriptblocks features! I appreciate how you are using customer feedback to make this an even greater product.
  25. Seemed to be working great. I just noticed some additons to the support forum though that aren't showing up in my feed. The support feeds last entry is this post: http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/9066.aspx I'll check to see if I can find anything.
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