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  1. Hi Marco, Yes that could do, but it would be nicer if it was just one gauge. And would this work for Vista Sidebar Gadget? Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  2. Hi Marco, Are the dates dynamic? Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl WebApplication1.zip
  3. Would it be possible to have dates in out-gauge horizontal? Like: 01-01-2007 02-01-2007 12-31-2007 Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  4. Hi JuanC, I just wanted to know if it would be possible to have more lines in the out-gauge digital panel. Like: this is line one this is line two In one digital panel. Regards, Stefan
  5. Hi Marco, Pitty ;-( Thanks for your fast response. Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  6. Is it possible to have multiple lines with out-gauge? Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  7. Hi Marco, I also posted a question about Inkscape and creating a SVG but still waiting for a answer. Maybe you can download the eval version of Illustrator CS2? http://download.adobe.com/pub/adobe/illustrator/win/cs2/Illustrator_CS2_ue_TryOut.exe Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  8. I am still looking how I can group a text object with a shape in Inkscape. But there is a Inkscape for Adobe Illustrator Users Appendix in the Inkscape User Manual. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/kevincharles/inkscape/pa-illustrator.html Still working on how and if Inkscape can be used for creating svg images to use in PowerGadgets... Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl ChartAutoResize.zip
  9. Hi Marco, I'm at the moment trying to use Inkscape (www.inkscape.org) to create a SVG image to use within PowerGadgets. But it's not that easy to get a hang of using these illustrator tools. I'll create a howto for using Inkscape if I'm succesful ;-) Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  10. Marco, I've announced it in the 'cool scripts' forum. http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/9105.aspx Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  11. Hi there, I've created with the help of Marco Shaw and Juan an OpsMgr 2007 Alerts Sidebar Gadget. I've written a complete howto. Have fun writting PowerShell with PowerGadgets! Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  12. It took a little longer than expected but I've published a blog about how to create an OpsMgr 2007 Alerts Sidebar Gadget. Kudo's to JuanC and Marco Shaw for their help. Regards, Stefan Stranger http://weblog.stranger.nl
  13. Hi Ivan, If I already created an new object in my script. ==== $record = new-object -typename system.object $record | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name count -value 0 [void]$foreach.movenext() $record | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name name -value $level $listing+=$record ===== And also create a new object for the current date. Like: ===== $datetime = get-date $obj = new-object System.object add-member -inputobject $obj -membertype NoteProperty -Name DateTime -value $datetime ===== How do I get the right result in the Chart PowerGadget? Do I need to use the -dataobject property? | out-chart -datasourcesettings_style +Transpose -series_0_color Red -series_1_color Blue -series_2_color Yellow -titles_0_Text "OpsMgr 2007 Alerts" -titles_1_Text {$_.DateTime} -refresh 0:0:5 Regards, Stefan Stranger
  14. Marco, This is what I got when I tried your suggestion. Result: PS D:\Scripts> .\PromptOpsMgrAlerts3.ps1 Please enter your Root OpsMgr Server name: Please enter your domain\username account for accessing the Root OpsMgr Server: opsmgr2007demo\administrator Count Name ----- ---- 5 Error Debug1 Debug2 Debug3 Debug4 Debug5 Debug6 0 0 information Debug7 Method invocation failed because [system.Management.Automation.PSObject] doesn't contain a method named 'op_Addition'. At D:\Scripts\PromptOpsMgrAlerts3.ps1:45 char:15 + $listing+=$ <<<< record Debug8 Script: # Count the number of Alerts per Severity and refreshes every minute get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -eq "0"} | group-object severity | sort-object name | select Count, Name $listing=@() $listing=get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -eq "0"} | group-object severity | sort-object name | select Count, Name write-host "Debug1" $states=@() write-host "Debug2" $listing|%{$states+=$_.name} write-host "Debug3" $levels=@("information","warning","error") foreach ($level in $levels){ if(!($states -contains $level)){ $record = new-object -typename system.object write-host "Debug4" $record | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name count -value 0 write-host "Debug5" [void]$foreach.movenext() write-host "Debug6" $record $record | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name name -value $level $record write-host "Debug7" $listing+=$record write-host "Debug8" }} Regards,Stefan
  15. Hi Juan, I tried to implement choice but it's more difficult than I thought [:@] # Count the number of Alerts per Severity and refreshes every minute#$getAlerts = get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -eq "0"} | group-object severity | sort-object name | select Name, Count$getAlerts = get-alert | group-object severity | sort-object name | select Name, Count# For the GetColor function to work the result must always return 3 items (Error, Warning and Information)$color = @{"Error"="0"; "Warning"="0"; "Information"="0"}$n=0 foreach ($i in $getAlerts) #(Error, Information, Warning) { if ($getAlerts[$n].Name -eq 'Error') { Write-host "Error exists" $n = $n + 1 } else { Write-host "Error does not exists" } if ($getAlerts[$n].Name -eq 'Information') { Write-host "Information exists" $n = $n + 1 } else { Write-host "Information does not exists" } if ($getAlerts[$n].Name -eq 'Warning') { Write-host "Warning does exists" $n = $n + 1 } else { Write-host "Warning does not exists" } if ($n -le "3") { #Write-host "test" $n = $n + 1 } } But this does not do the job. Output. PS D:\Scripts> .\PromptOpsMgrAlerts2.ps1Please enter your Root OpsMgr Server name: Please enter your domain\username account for accessing the Root OpsMgr Server: opsmgr2007demo\administrator Error exists Information exists Warning does exists Error does not exists Information does not exists Warning does not exists Error does not exists Information does not exists Warning does not existsPS Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client\OperationsManagerMonitoring::> Better ideas? Regards,Stefan
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