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Everything posted by juanZ

  1. This message is tipically displayed when an application that used Chart FX is opened with a browser different from IE (i.e firefox) when rendered as .Net (ActiveX component). I tested Chart FX 7 with IE8 without a problem. So, does the client machine that is triying to browse the application has the MS Framework 2.0 installed? if is and the message stills on the IE8, please send an email to support@softwarefx[dot]com with an screenshot of the error and a screenshot of the Activex configured options of the IE8.
  2. You can achieve this with the Annotation toolbar. With this toolbar you can add rectangles, circles, polygons, balloons and text annotations over the chart. To show dashes, just right click over the annotation added select "Line Style" and change it to dashed. Annotation toolbar is part of Chart FX Annotation Extension. You can get more information about this and more funtionalities of the annotations in the Resource Center at http://support.softwarefx.com/SupportDocTree.aspx?Prod=CfxNet70&Type=P. There, you can see code and samples for annotations.
  3. juanZ


    Even if the chart is rendered as an image, svg, flash, as a stream or ActiveX, it will check for the license before displaying. License checking is independent of Chart rendering. However the the way you render the chart will affect performance on the client. for more information about render formats please refer to: http://support.softwarefx.com/SupportDocTree.aspx?Prod=CfxNet62&Type=P and go to Internet Features -> Rendering Methods.
  4. juanZ


    Chart FX indeed checks license every time. This is the way in which Chart FX ensures that licenses are being used correctly, that they are not tampered or installed in several servers at the time. I apologize for the inconvenient, but this is part of Chart FX inner architecture. Regards,
  5. In you application root create manually the chartfx62/temp folders. and give to them ASP.NET read and write permisions. Is your going to deploy this in IIS, please create the chartfx62/temp folders as virtual directorios and grant it with the neccesary permissions. Regards,
  6. Yes, AnnotationBalloons use the primary y-axis only, thats why you need the chart1.Series[0].AxisY = AddlAxisY; Regards,
  7. Hi, Is not just enough to add a new Y Axis, we should let the series use that new axis. When there is an annotation object on the chart, the object should adjust to the primary YAxis, in this case the new axis will be the primary Axis for series[0]. AxisY AddlAxisY = new AxisY(); AddlAxisY.TextColor = chart1.Series[0].Color; AddlAxisY.Visible = true; AddlAxisY.Position = AxisPosition.Far; AddlAxisY.ForceZero = false; chart1.AxesY.Add(AddlAxisY); chart1.Series[0].AxisY = AddlAxisY; Hope this helps.
  8. Ok, lets try something. first, save your query . Then delete the filters in statement: HAVING (NDW_DetailRecords.ClientId = @ClientId) AND (NDW_DetailRecords.QuestionnaireHeaderID = @QuestionnaireHeaderId) Try to compile and build you app. Does that make it build correctly? If so, please put again the same filters, but instead of the @ClientId and the @QuestionnaireHeaderId, embed the default values. Did that worked?
  9. Hi Archana, Is your windows vista 64bit?
  10. Contour chart involves a different concept over data displaying. Y Axis concept by design is not available, because this is not a x-y based chart (internally it is). So, is not managed as the other charts. Annotations can be placed in the contour chart by inheritance (because is a Chart FX), but it
  11. MaxSizePercentagerepresents the percentage of space the label is consuming in the whole chart area. So if it is 40, the chart will ocupate 60% and the axis legends the other 40%. You must handle the way the label is trimmed.the StringTrimming enumerator, has several properties that can help you. But you cant define to show somes trimmed and others not. If the label is largest than the space available it will trim it by the rule (property set).
  12. You can create a wrapper (put Chart FX 7 in a dll) in order to use it in other applications that can consume that dll. This kind of Chart wrapping has special requirements. The dlls must be signed and you should send us the public key token, once we had it, we generate a license string which enables the chart license to be set in the code behind. However, this opens the door for Chart FX uncontrolled distribution. There are policies and fees that must placed be over a contract in order to achieve this.If you want more information about this licensing schema and pricing, please contact Software FX sales as sales@softwarefx.comYou may also try for free, Chart FX for WPF. You can download the trial at http://www.softwarefx.com/sfxNetProducts/ChartFX/wpf/
  13. I Apologize for the last response, there was a property that I did not set. Is the MaxSizePercentage, which tells Axis X the percentage of the text that will be displayed. In the sample below, you can find that there is going to be shown only the 20% of each label. Copy and paste this into you load method. chart1.Data.Series = 1; chart1.Data.Points = 6; Random r = new Random(1); int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) chart1.Data[0, i] = 100 * r.NextDouble(); chart1.AxisX.Labels[0] = "Very Long Label For Chart 1"; chart1.AxisX.Labels[1] = "Very Long Label For Chart 2"; chart1.AxisX.Labels[2] = "Very Long Label For Chart 3"; chart1.AxisX.Labels[3] = "Very Long Label For Chart 4"; chart1.AxisX.Labels[4] = "Very Long Label For Chart 5"; chart1.AxisX.Labels[5] = "Very Long Label For Chart 6"; chart1.AxisX.LabelAngle = 90; chart1.AxisX.LabelTrimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter; chart1.AxisX.MaxSizePercentage = 20; You are also right about the LabelTrimming property in the resoruce center. I will notify this in order to add eventually this property to Chart FX API Doumentation.
  14. In Chart FX 7 for VS2005, you can use chart1.AxisX.LabelTrimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisWord; Ellipsis word will put you label text somethig like this "LongLabel..." with the "..." Hope this Helps. Juan Z.
  15. When Custom Chart created is wrapped in a WebControl and dinamically created in the asp.net page, the code generated is not the same, becuase the chart is now completely handled from the server side. The Web Control asumes all the chart responsibility and hides additional code buecause it is executed in the server. If you drag and drop a chart to the asp.net page, it will create some javascript functions to handle events. With a WebControl this is not necesary because the chart is handled within the WebControl not directly in the webpage. Hope this solves your interrogant. Also, this is my code to render a chart dinamically; ---------------------- CONTROL ---------------------- public class DynamicChart : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl { public DynamicChart() { // // TODO: Add constructor logic here // } protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) { base.RenderContents(writer); ChartFX.WebForms.Chart vNewChart = new ChartFX.WebForms.Chart(); vNewChart.RenderFormat = ".Net"; vNewChart.Height = 300; vNewChart.Width = 400; vNewChart.RenderControl(writer); } } ---------------------- ASP.NET PAGE ---------------------- protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DynamicChart vChart = new DynamicChart(); MyDiv.Controls.Add(vChart); } MyDiv is div registered in the server, like this: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="MyDiv" runat="server"> </div> </form>
  16. Hi,Please provide me with a small repro case in order to verify how your information is being passed to the chart.For example, this code accepts double values with a very high precision and still working. // This is the Form_Load chart1.AxisY.Min = 2.93e-15; chart1.AxisY.Max = 2.93e+15; chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Scientific; chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 2; int nSeries = 1; int nPoints = 4; chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Bar; chart1.Data.Series = nSeries; chart1.Data.Points = nPoints; chart1.Data[0, 0] = 2.5e+302; chart1.Data[0, 1] = 1.5e+306; chart1.Data[0, 2] = 2.5e+303; chart1.Data[0, 3] = 6.5e-308; Please send me a small example.
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