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Everything posted by juanZ

  1. Hi Aaron, The namespace for the samples should be import com.softwarefx.chartfx.desktop.Chart; instead of the client one. However this was supposed to be fixed. Can you please post me the URL you used to download the product? Also, when did you download the Chart FX product?
  2. Hi, I think is not possible to set this using the Chart FX API. However you can workaround this by embedding the chart object inside a Div element and handle the mouse style when the mouse is hover. This is just a workaround that will enable the behavior in the entire div. Please check this code (It works on Firefox 3.5 and IE8) <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div onmouseover="this.style.cursor='crosshair';"> <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="245px" Width="428px"> <Series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes></chartfx7:SeriesAttributes> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes></chartfx7:SeriesAttributes> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes></chartfx7:SeriesAttributes> </Series> </chartfx7:Chart> </div> </form> </body> Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, I attached an image of my netbeans project, please check that you have a similar structure of your file directories. You cna compare this aloso with the Samples project that is in your installation directory.As a test, you can try to mount the samples project, or copy the directories you need to your solution. Please copy CfxGauges10, the WebINF, and the Chartfx70 file folder. Then, you might want to post some code that reproduces the issue so I can help you better.
  4. Hi, Chart FX is not throwing specific exceptions for incorrect data that is being passed to the Chart. However I understand your concern. The best way to avoid this kind of issues is with some safe-programming. This means that, first validate data and inputs before assign them to the Chart. The chart should not fail with correct inputs. Ps. your english is going well.
  5. Hi, try to use the "Floating" style in the Chart. This style has a plain color background, so you can paint it white if you need. There will be no gradient color. Something like this: <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" Loaded="Window_Loaded" Height="396" Width="589" xmlns:cfx="http://schemas.softwarefx.com/chartfx/wpf/80" xmlns:cfxaddmotifs="http://schemas.softwarefx.com/chartfx/wpf/80/ext/motifs"> <cfx:Chart Height="350" Name="chart1" Width="532" Style="{x:Static cfxaddmotifs:Floating.Style}"></cfx:Chart></Window> You can perform this automatically by using the Chart Smart Tag and follow the Motif and Style Wizard. Hope this helps.
  6. Hi, Actually we do not have previous information about a load issue using the Chart FX component. So, can you please dewscribe me a little how does your application is interacting with the data, what are you plotting in the Chart and some Chart characteristics like the rendering mode and the Chart size. Also, can you try to replicate the same scenario and try to enter the application in other page that does not contain the Chart FX component? Does this page seems to load slow too? Regards,
  7. Hi, The problem is raised because the Chart FX does not allow positive or negative infinity values. You can use double.MaxValue instead. The chart needs concrete numerical value to plot so the infinity value will cause some trouble.
  8. Hi Anitha, Chart FX does not have mechanisms to interact directly with XSLT style sheets. This is out out of scope for the Chart FX component. Regarding XPath, well this can be used in WPF charts to populate the chart but not directly in Chart FX 7. You can use Xpath to query an XML and then assign the data to the chart. But Xpath querys are not directly related to the Chart FX 7 component. For further information about how to pass data to the chart, please refer to the Resource Center asn Samples ad check the "Passing Data" section.
  9. Hi, Since the ReportTypes tag is not part of Chart FX, this tag will not be available when you export the data of the Chart, however you can store the XML somewhere (session variable maybe) and parse it later using DOM to achieve your goals.
  10. The Chart FX 7 for Java Server JSF is not available for the moment. Our development team is working hard to bring this new functionality up for the community. If you have specific questions about this, you can contact our sales department (sales at softwarefx .com) for further information.
  11. Hi, You can try to redefine the margin of the plot area with the following snippet: [Visual Basic] Dim newGaps As New Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10) Chart1.Gaps = newGaps [C#] chart1.Gaps = new Rectangle(10,10,10,10);Hope this helps.
  12. Hi, The only way I know how to remove it is: Clipboard.Clear(); . however this removes all the clipboard objects.
  13. Hi Sam, I apologize for the inconvenient, but there is no way to move that legend more to the left than the way it is handled by the content layout. ChartFX.WinForms.ContentLayout.Near This i a chart limitation. Juan Z.
  14. Hi, The Chart FX legend box can be aligned to the left and vertically set it to the bottom of the chart. However the space between the elements of the legend box cannot be modified, this is a limitation. This code shows how to set the mentioned properties: chart1.Data.Series = 1; chart1.Data.Points = 3; chart1.Data[0, 0] = 30; chart1.Data[0, 1] = 50; chart1.Data[0, 2] = 20; chart1.Data.Labels[0] = "Very long Chart FX Legend 1"; chart1.Data.Labels[1] = "Very long Chart FX Legend 2"; chart1.Data.Labels[2] = "Very long Chart FX Legend 3"; chart1.Gallery = ChartFX.WinForms.Gallery.Pie; chart1.LegendBox.Dock = ChartFX.WinForms.DockArea.Bottom; chart1.LegendBox.ContentLayout = ChartFX.WinForms.ContentLayout.Near;
  15. Hi, I found an interesting class (Effects) that can help you. Please look at the following code snippet: LighterEffect myEffect = new LighterEffect(); myEffect.Change = 80; chart1.Highlight.Mode = HighlightMode.Point; chart1.Highlight.IsEnabled = true; chart1.Points[0].Effects.Add(myEffect); This will highlight point [0] of the Chart. You can also set the HighlightMode to Series. This does not puts a marker shape on the chart, but it does hightlight an specific point on the chart Hope this helps.
  16. Please try setting this properties to the chart: // Removing this flag is required to support Fast Scroll chart1.ExtraStyle &= ~ChartStyles.CacheImage; // The buffer size must match the chart points chart1.RealTime.BufferSize = nTotalPoints; // This will improve chart startup time as it will not wait until th data is initialized to draw the chart chart1.UpdateSizeNow(); Then, have you tried the RealSample application that came in the resource center? (Advance Features -> Sample Applications)
  17. Hi, The highlight class of the chart is the responsible for this behavior. However I tested this and the methods seems not to be working. SeriesAttributes series1 = chart1.getSeries().get(0);chart1.getHighlight().highlightItem(series1); Let me confirm if this is an issue or require some other configuration.
  18. Is not possible since the chart needs to know how often should it plot the data over the axis. So, you can define your custom step or leave the default, but not turn it off.
  19. Hi, please note the use of LabelsFormat and DataFormat in the Axis Y. chart1.Data.Series = 1; chart1.Data.Points = 3; chart1.Gallery = ChartFX.WinForms.Gallery.Bar; chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Number; chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 0; chart1.AxisY.DataFormat.Decimals = 1; chart1.AxisY.Min = 0; chart1.AxisY.Max = 4; chart1.Data[0, 0] = 1.5; chart1.Data[0, 1] = 2.5; chart1.Data[0, 2] = 3.5; chart1.Series[0].PointLabels.Visible = true; chart1.Series[0].PointLabels.Format = "%v"; Copy paste this into your load method. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi, I think that what you can do, is to assign each series to a different axis. So, you must define a new X axis, the first axis will have months between Jan - Aug and the other will have the others. The you must assign each axis to the specific series. In the resource center, in the programmers guide, there is a very complete sample at Axes -> Sample Applications : Additional Axes. This sample can help you achieving what you need. Juan.
  21. Hi, It seems that there is some kind of authentication needed since a login prompt is raised. Please check that your webiste has the same security configuration (for example allowing the anonymous access). Then, if you are using IIS7, please check on your site -> Basic Settings -> Connect As.. that the user logged for your application does have enough permissions to run the website (Authotization and Authentication must be with the green check icon on the Test Connection). Also, please Check the Chart FX PSS service on windows services. If the service is running, please try to change the account that the service is running with and change it to a local PC administrator account. If the red X does not dissapeared, please ty to turn of the service. (Please perform thi until the login propmt it not showed anymore). Let me know about your findings.
  22. Hi Ricardo, I have tested this in windows vista and in XP and did not get such memory consumption. What I got was about 28% of CPU consumption... So, does you have some code or something else that might help in order to reproduce this? Juan Z.
  23. Hi Ricardo, If you want to avoid the context menus that are open when you right-click the chart, please try: chart1.ContextMenus = false; hope this helps. Juan.
  24. Hi, Can you please provide a code snippet that replicates the issue? The Object reference not set to an instance of an object message is not very straight forward message. By the error log, I can see that there is something happening with the annotation list, but I'll appreciate if you can provide us the way you are handling the code in order to help you better. Juan.
  25. juanZ

    Chart Axis Range

    You can try setting up the Max value of the X Axis.
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