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Everything posted by juanZ

  1. Did you installed the latest version of the Chart FX for Java Desktop? Please try to unistall it and install it again using the latest installer. You can download it from: http://www.softwarefx.com/SFXTrial/Trial_downloads.aspx?ProductId=CfxJava70Desk. Also, please be sure to install the Chart FX using an adminstrator account.
  2. When license is generated, it embeds some information about the machine manufacturer, windows directories, windows serial number and so other infotmation. So, if you have installed the license in several machines, our server will detect this and will make chart raise something like this. So, please as Rocio said, write us your information including your product serial number in order to verify if there is an issue related dicrectly to your license key.
  3. Does this happens only in that sample (DimAndRotation) or in all samples? Can you please check if you have the following entry in your Windows Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\/Classes/Root\/Licenses\9cdf80d0-1f77-4ee1-bd2a-c2a8d592345f
  4. Hi, The chart allows one datasource databinded. however yo can merge your information before binding it to the chart. For example, you can create a DataTable with the information merged from N* datasources you have. So, this table will have all the information you need to plot on your chart. If you want to know more about how to setting up data to the chart using XML, databases, collections and more, please refer to the resource center at http://support.softwarefx.com/SupportDocTree.aspx?Prod=CfxNet70&Type=P. Please chec the extensions and passing data tab.
  5. Try downloading the latest version of this product at http://www.softwarefx.com/SFXTrial/Trial_downloads.aspx?ProductId=CfxJava70Desk
  6. Please check your security settings. If you have an antivirus, turn it off for a while , while reinstalling the product. So, try to unistall it and install it again.
  7. Well, what I think you can do, is to create a web page that will host the chart in a physical location. Then you can try to embed this page as a frame in your mails body (im not pretty sure if you can do that in a mails body). So, you can try to set to the mails body text, the full HTML text that will define yor inner webpage. replace the hello world space within an iframe or frame pointing to your chart web page. mail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;mail.Body = "<html><body> Hello World </body></html>"; Hope this helps.
  8. Hi you can create the chart object (the object only), export it as an image (using the export method) to your server physical location and embed the image with an IMG tag in your mails body. DataSelection.zip
  9. Hi, This are the requisites in order to run the sample: Ajax Extensions v1.0: you can download this from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ca9d90fa-e8c9-42e3-aa19-08e2c027f5d6&displaylang=en Silverlight Tools VS2008 SP1 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9442b0f2-7465-417a-88f3-5e7b5409e9dd&displaylang=en Silverlight Toolkit July 2009: http://silverlight.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=24246
  10. Yo can also try to unistall the whole product: Chart and the extensions an try to reinstall it again. CHart Installers must be runned within an administrator account since it modify some registry entries. So, please try to uninstall it and install it again. The please try to open map sample application (the ones that ares in the samples folder on the installation directory) or create an empty application and drop a chart and adds the extension. hope this helps.
  11. Hi, You can try changing the namespace using a mask like this: using ChartFX7 = ChartFX.WebForms;// you can also try to set this for the 62 namespace. So, now do not use the ChartFX namespace, use the ChartFX7 to diferentiate the dlls clases. (you can name the new namespace at will) Hope this helps.
  12. Hi, you can open Internet explorer -> Tools -> Options -> Security [Trusted Sites] and configure ActiveX controls and plugins so they can have enough access and permissions. You can also use caspol to set permissions like this: open a visual studio command prompt or navigate (with CD command) : cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 you can also set Full trust to all in the internet zone. caspol -machine -chggroup Internet_Zone FullTrust
  13. In the sample I posted, the values of the points are not defined in the text property of the points, they are in the Labels collection. Like this: chart1.Data.Labels[0] = "Firefox"; . The index of the chart1.Data.Labels[0] will correspond to the datapoint value. So, on your Case statement, you can use the chart1.Data.Labels[0] instead of the Points.Text.
  14. Hi Once datapoints has been assigned, you can access them with int myPointCount = chart1.Data.Points
  15. Sorry, I saw on the first post you chart is rendered as .Net. Try to put your Activex component as full trust. Sometimes IE restrictis this kind of interactions for security reasons.
  16. Hi, please try the following snippet. I choose random colors, but you can define your owns. int points = 3; chart1.Data.Series = 1; chart1.Data.Points = points; chart1.Data[0, 0] = 30; chart1.Data[0, 1] = 50; chart1.Data[0, 2] = 20; chart1.Data.Labels[0] = "Internet Explorer"; chart1.Data.Labels[1] = "Netscape"; chart1.Data.Labels[2] = "Other"; chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pie; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) { chart1.Points.Color = Color.FromArgb(r.Next(255), r.Next(255), r.Next(255)); } Hope This helps.
  17. Is your Chart Render Format = .Net ?
  18. Hi, Please check this threads I posted. There are 2 different interactions that you can use to get this. http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/10500/25480.aspx#25480http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/10531.aspx Hope this helps. Juan.
  19. hmmm. Im going to try run your code. meanwhile, you can check the last post of this thread. I posted a sample application in C# that shows how to to this and it working well. So, you can by the moment you can check it out while i get your code. http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/10500/25656.aspx#25656 Also, can you please post the aspx page code you define to declare the chart? Juan.
  20. Hi, Divyesh I Attached the requested code. I removed from bin folder the ChartFX.Webforms.dll because the zip file was to heavy to upload. So, please open the sample and add the reference. Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, i had posted a solution similar but not for a web part. however you can change the event name (UserCommand) to a MouseDown. Please refere to the API documentation for the Chart Class to obtain more information about the events (windows forms, because the chart will be rendered as .Net ActiveX). please check this: http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/10531.aspx I hope this helps.
  22. Hi, Can you provide me more information please? for example the way the chart is being displayed (.Net, Image, stream.. etc), then the browsers and the versions you used that made the hand not to change. I made a test here, I opened the Chart DrillDown sample at http://demo.softwarefx.com/chartfx/aspnet/ajaxsamples/ . in different computers and with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 7,8 FireFox Chrome 2.0.172 The hand always change on hover. Any other information or code that might help reproduce this will be great.
  23. Hi, Hope this sample can help you to understand. [ON THE ASPX PAGE] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // this function will invoke the server side in order to retrive data // so the chart can display data in real time. // enabled (true / false): boolean type // function returns nothing. function Feed1() { // Generate random number to display in chart // this number can also be generated in the server side. var randNum =Math.floor(Math.random()*10); // this callback will send the requesto to the server. // the UserCommand event in code behind will get this request. SFX_SendUserCallback('Chart1',randNum,false); } </script> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <input id="btnFeed1" type="button" value="Feed 1st Chart" onclick="Feed1();" /> </div> <div> <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" RenderFormat=".Net" UseCallbacksForEvents="true"> </chartfx7:Chart> </div> </form> </body> [ON THE ASPX.CS Code Behind] [Load Method] Bind the event. Chart1.UserCallback += new UserCallbackEventHandler(Chart1_UserCallback); // this will receive callback void Chart1_UserCallback(object sender, ChartFX.WebForms.UserCallbackEventArgs e) { // Do Something to the Chart. } I have a real time mode - concurrent callbacks sample of this. If you like, I can sent you the complete sample. you can write me back at support at softwarefx.com.
  24. Hi Divyesh, Chart FX 7 is compatible with IE versions 6, 7, 8. I have the sample working with IE8. So, you can send me an email to support at softwarefx.com and I will forward this sample to you. Or, if you can open .rar compressed files, I can post the sample here (is about 1.90mb in rar format and about 2.06Mb with zip format, the limit is 2Mb so I cant post it here as a zip file). please let me know the best option for you and I'll be more than glad to send you the sample project.
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