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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Two things: 1) Organize Point Labels only has an effect on axes-based chart types. It has no effect on Pie charts. The problem you are having in the Pie is that space allocated for the labels is limited as a percentage of the total available space. This can be adjusted using the MaximumLabelMargin property in the Pie class. 2) The Organize Point Labels heuristic does not guarantee all labels will be shown. The algorithm is independent of the gallery type or the Stacked setting. The screenshots you posted show that is working as designed. I think what you are looking for is not going to be achivable using this feature. I don't see how, even doing it manually you can organize the labels on this chart making clear which label corresponds to which segment.
  2. I think the delay is caused by either the tooltip or the highlighting. With such a large number of points (dependin g on your chart settings such as marker shape, etc) it is generally a good idea to dissable tooltips and highlighting as it is not very usefull anyways (is hard to hover over a specific point when there are so many of them). Try setting: chart.Highlight.Enabled = false; chart.ToolTips = false;
  3. Do you mean the DataBase server? What part of the Wizard are you refering to? Is the DB server accessible from this computer? How about authentication?
  4. Based on user feedback, we eliminated the end-user help file as it didn't match the application's help-file look and feel, language and technology used (help 2.0, help 1.0, HTML, etc.). Th Help button simply fires an event (InternalCommand with CommandId.Apply) that you can capture to display the appropriate section in your application's help file.
  5. In order to be able to have a marker right at the Y-Axis, the chart needs to be an X/Y chart. You need to supply X-Values, it doesn't matter if they are just 1,2,3,4... but by making it an X/Y chart you wll now have control over the X-Axis as a numerical axis (as opposed to a categorical axis) which will allow you to achieve what you are looking for.
  6. The problem here is that Time values include a date as well, in other words, there is way to pass "1:00 pm" to the chart you need to pass a date too so that 1:00 pm of today is different than 1:00 pm of tomorrow. This is regardless of the labels format. Even thoug you are displaying only the time it doesn't mean that there is not date associated with it. So the datatype in the chart is DateTime regardless o your label format which is used just for displaying. As such, there is no concept of a negative datetime since there is no zero (there is but it doesn't mean anything). It looks that what you are looking for is a TimeSpan datatype. We do not support TimeSpans in this version althought this is something we will have in the next version. What you can do now is "trick" the chart. Here is how you can do it: 1) You will convert your timespan values to integers. You can use the TotalMilliseconds for this. These will end up being possitive and negative numbers, 2) You will leave the X-Axis as numeric. 3) Capture the GetAxisLabel event and convert the label about to be displayed (numeric value. eg. 1000,-1500,etc.) back to a TimeSpan and set the label to be this string.
  7. This is really weird. Never seen this before. I can only guess the cause of this and can never be sure unless I can reproduce it. Here are my best guesses: 1) A video driver issue. Does this happen in different computers? If it does, please post a sample program that we can run here too reproduce the problem. If the problem only happens in a particular hardware configuration then it is definitely a printer driver problem and you must look for a new driver. 2) You are painting this in the postpaint or prepaint event without realizing it, Does this happen with any chart? Does it happen when you simply drop a chart in a form in a brand new project and add no code at all? 3) You are adding annotation objects. Same as before try with a default empty project.
  8. Frank

    Pie charts

    Serveral reasons: 1) The pie is perfectly round. If the chart control is not square, the minimum between the width and height will be used as the pies diameter. 2) Additional margins are reserved for point labels (if Point Labels are shown). You can limit the amount of space allocated to the point labels by using the MaximumLabelMargin property in the Pie class: chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pie; Pie myPie = (Pie) chart1.GalleryAttributes; myPie.MaximumLabelMargin = 5;
  9. > 1. Is it possible to modify the legend text for each line on the chart to indicate some total value along with the name of the item being charted? ie) > Motorcycles - 10,123. How would I do this? A simple example would be nifty. Yes. You can set the Series legend text to anything you want. However, the calculation of totals must be done by you. chart.Series.Text = "Total Motorcycles $1,000,000"; > 2. Is it possible to have data in the data grid that is not part of the chart? How would I do this if it's possible? No. However, what you can do is to create an additional series containing the totals, you can then make this siries invisible: chart.Series.Visible = false; And then tell the DataGrid to show hidden series: chart.DataGrid.ShowHiddenSeries = true;
  10. Not likely to make it in an update (SP) since it requires major changes. Definitely will not be done in 6.2 as there is a new version already available (7.0). Possibly in a later version.
  11. The reason why it doesn't is due to implementation details. Without going too much into it it comes down to a chicken-and-the egg situation: Resizing the right margin may change the X-Axis step effectively changing which labels are displayed, therefore, adjusting the right margin to fit 110... may actually result in 110... not shown anymore but another label shown that requires a different size for the right margin. So we are back to square one. So the short answer is: currently the X-Axis is not considered for automatically adjusting the right margin.
  12. This is actually not as easy at it seems. The problem is that these commands are added by the extension dynamically when it is attached to the chart. So even if you remove them they will be re-added when the extension re-attaches. The extension re-ataches in many situations, one of the most common ones is during serialization. When you save the chart settings (either through the Export method or through personalization) the extensions get detached before saving and re-attached afterwords. At this moment there is no API to tell the statistical extension not to add certain galleries or toolbar options so there is no reliable way or removing these options.
  13. > Now I have an ongoing problem. In run time the chart does not display the same as in design time Are you executing any code that changes the chart? The culprit should be in this code. Please post a complete sample that reproduces the behavior.
  14. The rightmost label in the X-Axis (110...) is being clipped because the right margin is not big enough. This right space will not be adjusted automatically to make this label fit. I suspect it is a similar deal with the annotation objects, in general changing the font size of the annotation objects can make them go out of the chart area.
  15. A month name can not be used as a value (there is no numerical value associated with it). Instead you can use it as a label. Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Month", FieldUsage.Label)); For Range, you need to create it as a numeric column: mydt.Columns.Add("Range",typeof(double));
  16. Thre is no functional diference between the Trial Version and the release version except for the message displayed and the fact the it expires and deployment restrictions. As far as the data displayed, the trial and the released version are exactly the same.
  17. You can call: chart.Data.Clear(); To prevent Random data from beign displayed.
  18. Frank

    stacked bar chart

    chartbar.Points[chartbar.Data.Points - 2].Color = Color.Red;
  19. You need to get the Chart FX Extensions Pack. More info here: http://www.softwarefx.com/extensions/
  20. Please attach a screen shot of the chart so that we can understand how things are being cutoff.
  21. Frank

    Pie charts

    That's the default (point labels showing on the top of the slices). Make sure you make them visible: chart.AllSeries.PointLabels.Visible= true; This option is also exposed in the Wizard (Labels, Titles, ...).
  22. How did you create the Chart instance. Please post the relevant code or better yet the project that reproduces the problem.
  23. Chart FX for Reporting Services is not designed to run in Visual Studio, it is designed to work with Reporting Services. If you want to use Chart FX in Visual Studio you need to get Chart FX Gauges.
  24. Chart FX for Reporting Services is not designed to run in Visual Studio, it is designed to work with Reporting Services. If you want to use Chart FX in Visual Studio you need to get Chart FX 7.
  25. The commands added by the extensions (e.g. Statistical) are actually Dynamic as there may be more than one extension added. What exactly are you trying to do with those? I may be able to give you some pointers on how to achieve it.
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