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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I see the problem now. I didn't realize your dates went backward. Most recent first. The X-Axis Date labeling only works with dates in ascending order. You need to pass the dates in ascending order. If you want to displayed them on descending order on the chart, simply invert the X-Axis as follows: chart.AxisX.Inverted = true; Notice that by passing dates in the X-Axis you are creating a true Date axis in which labels will be displayed at regular intervals (like months, years, etc.) according to available space. There is no guarantee that each point will have a label. You also have the alternative of having your dates converted to strings. In this case, the meaning of the date will be lost and each point will simply have a string attached to it. In order to do this you need to fill the DataType array to specify you want the second column to be treated as labels, not as X-Values (default). In this situation the order of the data is irrelevant as there is no value associated to each label. The X-Axis becomes categorical.
  2. You can either attach it here, or if privacy is a concern, you can e-mail it to our support department. Open a ticket and mention my name.
  3. Do you have a sample application that reproduces the problem?
  4. I can not see your picture. Please make sure you attach it using the Options Tab above the message editor.
  5. Please post a complete WebForms project that reproduces the problem. We are unable to reproduce it with the information you have given us.
  6. You can do the same in CHart FX 7 but the API chas changed: Chart1.Data.Series = 1; Chart1.Data.Points = UBound(a); For i = 0 To UBoundĀ© Chart1.Data(0, i) = (c(i).Plant_MetalMassVariation) Chart1.Data(1, i) = (c(i).Line2_MetalMassVariation) Chart1.Data(2, i) = (c(i).Line3_MetalMassVariation) Chart1.Data(3, i) = (c(i).Line4_MetalMassVariation) Chart1.AxisX.Labels(i) = (c(i).TapDate) Chart1.AxisX.Labels(i) = Format((c(i).TapDate), "dd-MMM") Next i
  7. You need to change the axis's Culture. For example: chart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Culture = new CultureInfo("fr-fr"); // Frenchchart1.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Currency;You can assign the culture per-axis or globally to the chart object.
  8. This is a very common scenario. The click event can be captured as a Postback or as a Callback using AJAX. Use the former if your click event changes elements other than the chart in the page, use AJAX if your click event is going to onlymodify the chart control. You can also asign a Url to the chart to navigate to another page. Examples of this can be found here: http://support.softwarefx.com/OnlineDoc/CfxNet70/PG/html/EndUserDrilldown.htm http://support.softwarefx.com/OnlineDoc/CfxNet70/PG/html/ImageMapGeneration.htm http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxJava62&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/765/1/001.htm?_r=1
  9. The image is not displaying. Try adding it as an attachment not as a link. What you are describing is one of the most common cases for databinding, if your datatable contains two columns, one numeric and one DateTime, the chart will automatically display what you are looking for: dates in the X-Axis, values on the Y-Axis. If you are not getting this check that the types in the datatable columns are correct and please describe what the problem is. As for displaying the month only: chart.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Date; chart.AxisX.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "MMM";
  10. There is no specific event for notifying about a gallery change. You can capture InternalCommand to trap any command coming from the toolbar or context menus. In the case of the gallery, you will receive the first gallery in the menu (CommandId.Line by default) in the CommandId argument and the index of the sub-command in the SubCommandId argument.
  11. Instead of: Chart1.ToolBarObj.Visible = true do Chart1.ToolBar = true As for different data for the chart and data editor, this is not supported. There is one unique dataset for both the chart and the data editor.
  12. This code looks fine. Is it not working? If this is not working I need a sample app that reproduces the problem. This code on its own works perfectly (I just tested it) so the problem (if any) is related to the context in which you are doing this. A wild guess: If you are using conditional attributes the per-point attributes will be wiped-out according to the conditions. Are you using conditional attributes?
  13. No. When you refer to the chart in the client, are you referring to the .NET Client control or are you generating an image? In the later case, there is no chart object in the client, everything is done server side. You can send the JSON object to the server via AJAX (as explained in the KB article above), desirialize it inot CLR objects and then have the chart read form these objects. The Client control does expose an API for setting data (Chart.Data) that you can use to loop through your Javascript objects and assign data to the chart.
  14. DataBinding is not supported by the .NET Client control (assuming you are using it). You need to make a trip back to the server (using AJAX) and re-render the control. For more information about how Chart FX integrates with AJAX please check the following KB article: Q7651001. Chart FX for VS 2005 and AJAX URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=Cfx51&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/765/1/001.htm?_r=1
  15. The Color property is of type System.Drawing.Color. Check the .NET framework documentation (Color structure) for details about creating colors from various formats.
  16. "Duplicate license detected with the license number".. means you have more than one PSS service running in your LAN with the same Chart FX license. Each server must have its own separate license (different serial numbers).
  17. What are "point labels divide lines"? Please attach a screenshot indicating what you mean.
  18. chart1.AllSeries.Border.BetweenSegments = true;
  19. What are the security settings in your breowser? Please try setting FullTrust for the .NET framework (client-side). If the problem persists, please attach a WebForms project that reproduces the problem.
  20. There is nothing that will prompt a service pack at this time (no priority 1 bugs and the number of priority 2 bugs that have been fixed is very small) so at this time I can't give you an estimate. The HotFix you can get right away.
  21. The plot area can be expanded by using PlotAreaMargins (set 1 to all of them). The rest of the space is there for various reasons: 1) Pie charts are circular. The minimum between the width and height of the chart will be the diameter. 2) If point labels are on, space will be reserved for them. This can be controlled using MaximumLabelMargin
  22. > Unfortunately I cannot access the help section of ChartFX as it complains that I require MS Help 2.0 - which I believe I have. Please contact tech. support to resolve this issue. It would be next to impossible to use Chart FX without its documentation. The documentation (including samples) can also be found online at: support.softwarefx.com Because Chart FX 6.2 is a .NET 1.1 control, it doesn't know how to read from the new SqlDataSource control. You need to add the following code: DataView view = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); DataTable table = view.ToTable(); Chart1.DataSource = table; The fact that you are using older Chart FX 6.2 in the newer Visual Studio makes everything a little more difficult because the products are not designed to work together. If this is a new project you are starting I strongly recommend you take a look at Chart FX 7. The whole DataBinding paradigm changed dramatically from ASP .NET 1.1 (VS 2003) and ASP.NET 2.0 (VS 2005)
  23. Thank you for your feedback. The bug has been fixed internally but the fix has not been made available yet. I will make sure it is included in the next HotFix and Service Pack. Please contact tech. support for early access to these bits (which will be available overnight).
  24. If this is happening every time its probably due to your IIS not returning the CHW file. In Windows Server 2003, by default, all file extensions are blocked. You have to explicitly enable them and assign a Mime Type to it (binary in this case). Since Chart FX 2000 is older than Windows 2003, the installer doesn't do this automatically, you will need to go to the IIS configuration manager and add he file extension.
  25. Stacked100 is not supported in multiple panes. You will need to modify your data to achieve this by stacking the series normally but modifying your data so that each point on each pane adds up to 100.
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