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Hide cmd window for external command line app?


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I have a powershell script that uses an external command line application to retreive data. However, when I pipe this to Out-Gauge with -refresh parameter, I get a CMD window that opens and closes each time the gadget refreshes. The powershell host hides any external cmd window... is there a configuration I'm missing for PowerGadgets to hide any external cmd windows? Here is a VERY simple example that shows the behavior:

Contents of PING.PS1:$output = ping www.google.com -n 1$output[ 6 ].split(" =")[ 6 ].replace("ms","")PS C:\ps\bin> .\ping.ps1 | % { out-gauge -value $_ -floating -refresh 0:0:5 }PS C:\ps\bin>
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Unfortunately we are not aware of any way of hooking into how PowerShell runs "native" commands to avoid displaying the console window. The following is a mix of Lee Holmes post and Tim Scarfe post to try to generate a script that you can call when invoking native commands:

Contents of gpo.ps1 (get-processoutput)

param([string] $processname, [string] $arguments)

$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$psi.RedirectStandardOutput = 1
$psi.FileName = $processname
if ($arguments) {
 $psi.Arguments = $arguments

$process = [system.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
$output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$str = new-object System.String 13,1
foreach($line in $output.Split(10)) {

The lines after ReadToEnd are my contribution and I am not terribly proud of them, but it was the closest I got to try to mimic the output you get when you run the commands natively. There is one difference though between running ping natively and using gpo that you can see from the following

PS C:\>$a = ping www.google.com -n 1
PS C:\>$a[0]

PS C:\>$a[1]

PS C:\>$a[2]
Pinging www.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

PS C:\>$a = gpo ping "www.google.com -n 1"
PS C:\>$a[0]

PS C:\>$a[1]
Pinging www.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

So even though when you run both commands the output looks identical, it seems as I am still not breaking the lines in the same way they do. If you ask me, I would say the empty line you get when running ping should be line0 and the "Pinging ..." line should be line1 so using gpo could make the line guessing game a little easier :-)

Now if you modify ping1.ps1 as follows

$output = gpo ping "www.google.com -n 1"
$output[3].split(" =")[ 6 ].replace("ms","")

You will get out-gauge to refresh properly without the flashing console window.



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We know it is a hack and we spoke to one of the PowerShell team members about this, what we need is for them to allow apps hosting PowerShell to have control over how processes are run. If they supported this, it would just be a matter of setting some properties such as CreateNoWindow

If you (and others) could request this through the connect site, it will increase the chance they would consider it for V2 :-)


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1. I can create something on the connect site if nobody else has access.  They seemed to have since 'hidden' PowerShell so it is hard to find it to create any items.

2. NetCmdlets (www.nsoftware.com/powershell) has a 'send-ping' cmdlet which may help out here.  It is giving an error in my install and I've contacted /n software on it.  It is currently in beta2...

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PSCX 1.1 was just recently released, and includes a cmdlet named ping-host:


  Sends ICMP echo requests to nework hosts.

  Ping-Host [-HostName] [[-Count]] [[-BufferSize]] [cut off here...]

  Sends ICMP echo requests to nework hosts.

Then you have access to several properties, and no annoying popup window.


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Although I agree both NetCmdlets and PSCX are the right choice if you want to resolve the specific ping issue (you get better performance as the functionality you need is executed in-proc instead of launching a separate process + you can more easily pipe these cmdlets to other cmdlets), there is still a huge number of apps out there that will probably never have a cmdlet replacement so it is important for people to be aware of ways to invoke those apps without the flashing window.


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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for a great utility. When I try and use gpo.ps1 I get the following error:

The term 'gpo' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script. 

How do I register this file so it is visible in my environment?


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