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Everything posted by CarlosAC

  1. Hi dotnettex. Did you set UseCallBackForEvents property? You need to set it to true.
  2. Hi rkw6086. Unfortunately alert box is a client side interaction element. Your need is not related specifically to Chart FX, but a common issue with ASP technology. I found some information about it on Internet, please check the follow link: http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2005/12/01/432016.aspx I hope this helps.
  3. Hi Rizwan. Unfortunately, you are not able to set cells content alignment in Chart FX for Java 6.x. This is a limitation of our product.
  4. Hi binukjohn. Unfortunately, Chart FX does not support the feature you want to achieve. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. Hi Mike. Unfortunately, Chart FX does not support rendering decision Trees. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. Hi Phil. Are you setting AxisY.Max property? Please try using AxisY.Max = 0.02;
  7. Hi Coder. Chart FX ignores Panes when Pane Collection contains only one item. This is not a bug, is by design.
  8. Chart FX allows you to change the volume of the bars (chart1.AllSeries.Volume = x), but you are not able to change DataGrid cells width or position.
  9. Hi adis. Unfortunately, this is not possible in Chart FX.
  10. Hi bpoker. If you want to show the values inside visits column as a point label, you should set the value point text (chart1.Points[j].Text = visits[j].ToString(). Then you need to set the point label format as
  11. Hi Tobias. Please check the FieldMaps you are setting. Maybe you are choosing to use only one series? Also, unfortunately, you cannot use Pie Gallery with Panes.
  12. Dear Fomur. Unfortunately, rendering the chart as .NET format will only work on Internet Explorer. There is no workaround to use it in any other browsers. This is a limitation not of Chart FX, but all components rendered as .NET object or ActiveX.
  13. Dear Sandy. Unfortunately, Chart FX 7 does not provide any property to change the marker size in the legend box.
  14. Dear Sandy. Unfortunately, Chart FX 7 does not provide any property to change the marker size in the legend box.
  15. Dear Pre. Attached you can see a sample showing how to export a chart including Gallery Type. I hope it helps. PaneMatrix2.txt
  16. Dear Keith. You can reduce the space between pies, you should use Volume property: Chart1.Volume = 100. Also, you can increase the chart area size, thus reducing the gap: Chart1.RightGap = -1 Chart1.LeftGap = -1 Chart1.BottomGap = -1 Chart1.TopGap = -1
  17. Dear Anupam. Unfortunately, increasing the DPI to an image is a limitation of Java framework since this is possible in .NET. This is not a limitation of Chart FX itself, but the framework.
  18. Dear Raphael. You can set Axis step for each axis. So you can manually set same step for Y-Axis and X-Axis. Please use following code: chart1.AxisY.Step = 10; and chart1.AxisX.Step = 10;.
  19. Dear Julian. Please contact SoftwareFX Support Team at support123@softwarefx.com (remove 123). They will provide you with a solution for your installation issue.
  20. Dear Hima. Unfortunately, Zomming the chart when the Axis is set to a Logarithm base is nor supported.
  21. Dear Shane. I am attaching a sample project where you can see some interaction with the mouse (mouse move) and with a ListBox, you can add flags to the chart with a short description inside the ListBox I hope this helps you to implements RSS feed on Chart.
  22. Dear Shane. Please take a look to our online samples. Our staff have created a sample similar to Google Finance. You can even get source code for each fo the samples. Please visit: http://demo.softwarefx.com/chartfx/aspnet/ajaxsamples. Carlos Chaves
  23. Dear Wanghao. Please contact Software FX Support at Support123@software.com (remove 123). Please include your product serial number
  24. Dear Stephen. To change color to a pyramid chart, you need to change color to points (chart1.Points[0].Color = Color.Red;). Unfortunately, Chart FX API does not provide a property to customize Pyramid width. As a workaround, you can modify PlotAreaMargins (chart1.PlotAreaMargin.Bottom = -1;). I hope this helps.
  25. Dear Jac. Unfortunately, you cannot use YX data when you work with real time feature of Chart FX. I ran some tests and I was able to simulate a real time chart using XY data. I am attaching my project as a zip file. I hope this helps.
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