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Everything posted by Frank

  1. The PSS service is not fault tolerant in this way, bringing down one PSS service will cause all future request to the items stored by it to fail. Notice that PSS is only used to store session information, the impact will be only to the active sessions.
  2. Something definetly changed in that server. Which line is throwing the error? The error is pretty generic so it doesn't giver us any information. I suggest you re-install Chart FX and the latest Service Pack.
  3. Are you talking about the Financial Extension? Please attach a sample project that reproduces the problem.
  4. Are you using the Viusal Studio ASP.NET Web Server or IIS to run your app. Chart FX 6.2 is not compatible with Visual Studio's ASP.NET Web Server. You need to deply it to IIS. Chart FX 7 is 100% compatible with both Visual Studio 2005 and 2008.
  5. Are you using any kind of authentication in your site or does your site has anonymous access? If you are using authentication check the following KB article: Q7621009. How to use Chart FX and Forms Authentication to secure your charts In order to use Form Authentication with Chart FX using PSS, you need to configure your application and PSS so that they can share login information. URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/1/009.htm?_r=1
  6. Community server played a trick on me here, it changed my posting because it got confused with HTML syntax. The prefix must be "javascript" followed by ":" and the the method call.
  7. Try changing the RenderFormat to Image. I know that the Update panel doesn't support ActiveX controls (<OBJECT>).
  8. The Series collection represents the Series attributes, not the series themselves. The number of series in the chart is determined by the data. So to add a series, you need to do: chart.Data.Series++; Then you can access the Series collection to customize the attributes of the newly added series.
  9. Please check the Event Log in both servers for any PSS errors.
  10. chart.AllSeries.Link.Url = "javascript:myJavaScriptFunction(%N);";
  11. Frank

    COM / .NET

    Grid FX COM? I don't know what you are referring to. We don't have a product called Grid FX COM.
  12. Yes. Simply set: chart.Stacked = Stacked.Stacked100;
  13. I can't speak for other control vendors. We require that the EXE contains the license, otherwise it will be easy to build a dll that does nothing but expose all the Chart FX API and bypass the licensing mechanism.
  14. Add this to your initialization code: chart.AxisY.Notify = true;
  15. Because your DLL is wrapping Chart FX and the EXE is Excel (or any other office client) whcich doesn't have a license of CHart FX you are getting this problem. Chart FX should run from your EXE without a problem because your EXE does contain the appropriate license information. In order to be able to have a dll that uses Chart FX and runs in any generic container (such as office) you need a special license. Please contact Software FX sales for details. ChartWrapperTest.zip
  16. I do not understand what you are trying to do. Can you please elaborate a little more.
  17. You will need some sort of data conversion as you suggested. Unlike null values, zero has no special meaning for Chart FX and it is treated as any other number when it comes to reading the data. ChartFX70Cursor.zip
  18. Looks like a security problem in which your server is not letting thru the binary files the .NET Client control needs. Check the HTML source of the page and look at the <OBJECT> tag. Where is the DataPath pointing to (please paste the url in your reply)? If it is pointing to a CFX file, you need to make sure these are allowed in your IIS. In Windows 2003 Server, the default is to block everything except for what's specifically allowed in the supported Mime Types. This can be changed in the IIS manager.
  19. Go to AxisY.Format in the property grid to change this setting.
  20. Exporting to clipboard is supported from the UI (toolbar button) but there is no API to do it from code. That's what I though you were looking for. You didn't include the error you were getting in your posting.
  21. Exporting the chart is not supported in the Lite version of Chart FX.
  22. I see. Unfortunately, I don't see a way to eliminate this reference. Note that the AXD is just a handler and has no impact on the bandwidth on its own. It all depends on what the AXD is serving. In the case of Chart FX the script file is just 18KB. Very small. If you were to prevent this script file from being downloaded to the client, besides the AJAX functionality (which by the way does not use Microsoft's AJAX framework) you will lose the ability to generate Callback events and all UI. If you set Interactive = false and UseCallBackFor events = false (default) I think your charts will still render. Notice that even for doing postbacks, there is an AXD resource in your page that comes form ASP.NET that is required. So I think in any case you are going to have to let through some AXD files regardless of what you decide with Chart FX.
  23. I guess you mean the reference to our script file (which is stored in a resource). No, you can not eliminate it. This script file is used for basic functionality, not just AJAX. Question: Why do you need to remove it?
  24. Will will need to sort them using your own code. The series are displayed in the order in which they were configured.
  25. About PointLabelMask: You are posting in the Chart FX for .NET 6.2 Forum, however, looking carefully at your code I noticed you are using Chart FX 7. The property you are looking for (in Chart FX 7) is: chart.AllSeries.PointLabels.Format This property is documented (http://support.softwarefx.com/OnlineDoc/CfxNet70//WinAPI/PointLabelAttributes_Format.htm). It is not that hard to find.. The PointLabelAttributes class only has about a dozen properties. Like with any complex product, finding exactly what you are looking for takes a little reading.
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