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Everything posted by AndreG

  1. Jorg, According to our license agreement your Serial Number is to be kept by you only and in secrecy. Please do not post it on the forums. Thanks.
  2. What if you had the temp folder shared between all servers? Then if the image is generated by a server that becomes immediately offline after that, it is still accessible by the other servers.
  3. Scatter and Bar are allowed on the same chart, as long as it is not an XY Scatter chart. Scatter charts can have a categorical X Axis.
  4. I might be missing something, but how is a line chart with no line not the same thing as Scatter? Note that a scatter chart does not necessarily means an XY chart, you can have a Y values only scatter chart by not passing it X values.
  5. Having a horizontal Y axis is not supported in Chart FX 7 for Java.
  6. I am assuming you are rendering the chart as an image. Am I correct? Therefore if you need to resize the chart you would have to go back to the server to get a new image (just resizing the already downloaded image would distort it). I have created a sample that auto resizes the chart according to the browser and I think it can help you .
  7. I am happy to report that we are releasing a Service Pack for Chart FX 7 that makes it compatible with Visual Studio 2010 today. Please allow some time for the installer to replicate through our severs and try downloading it tomorrow, from the link you have received when you purchased the product. If you do not have the link anymore, please contact support [at] softwarefx.com
  8. I am happy to report that we are releasing a Service Pack for Chart FX 7 that makes it compatible with Visual Studio 2010 today. Please allow some time for the installer to replicate through our severs and try downloading it tomorrow, from the link you have received when you purchased the product. If you do not have the link anymore, please contact support [at] softwarefx.com
  9. It seems to be working for me. Code and screenshot. chart1.Data.Series = 3; chart1.Data.Points = 10; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < chart1.Data.Series; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < chart1.Data.Points; j++) { chart1.Data[i, j] = r.Next(100); } } chart1.Series[0].Line.Style = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;
  10. Take a look at the CrossTab chapter of your Programmer's Guide. I believe that is what you are trying to do.
  11. That format is used in galleries like bubble and OHLC, where each plot takes more than one series. In your chart, each curve is one series, not multiple. Try changing the text on the tooltip on the GetTip event, something like this: void chart1_GetTip(object sender, GetTipEventArgs e) { if (e.Point >= 0) { e.Text = chart1.Data[0, e.Point].ToString() + " - " + chart1.Data[1, e.Point].ToString(); } }
  12. Working for me. How did u pass the data to Tag? Chart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("valueofX", FieldUsage.XValue)); Chart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("valueofY", FieldUsage.Value)); Chart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Timedata", FieldUsage.Label)); Chart1.DataSource = table1; int i = 0; foreach (string tag in Chart1.AxisX.Labels) { Chart1.Points[0, i].Tag = tag; i++; } Chart1.AxisX.Labels.Clear();
  13. Uninstalling the product while the machine is connected to the internet will deactivate your license automatically. You may then install it on another machine.
  14. Note: This post makes use of the XYZExtension, which at the time the post was written was not available on the public version of Chart FX for WPF. If you are interested in using the extension before its release with the next Service Pack you may download the hotfix at http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxwpf/update/hotfix/hotfix.htm. Chart FX for WPF is about to introduce a brand new feature: the XYZExtension. This extension will allow us to add and control a third axis (Z axis) on a 3D chart. For the first time it will be possible to plot X, Y and Z values to a Chart FX chart. Right out of the gate there are two different galleries that can use this extension: SurfaceXYZ and ScatterXYZ. Multiple series of each or even combinations are also possible. One of the cool things I was able to accomplish with the new SurfaceXYZ chart was create geographically accurate surface with data from different cities. I can see multiple uses for a chart like this, from temperature plotting, revenue per county or even sales per store in one state. Suppose for the sake of this example that we need to plot the customer satisfaction rating on a little more than 800 stores across Florida. Plotting it on a bar chart will create more than 800 bars. And even if we order the cities alphabetically, while locating the score of a specific store should be easy, it is not so simple to understand which areas of the state are doing better than the others. Plotting it on a surface, on the other hand, will group all the stores by proximity allowing us to locate the best and worse regions. Particularly if we can do so over a map of the state. Here is what our final surface chart should look like. Looking at that map it is very easy to spot that the cities stores around Jacksonville and the west coast are doing better than the ones on the east coast of Florida. Let
  15. All you have to do is change the tooltip format. http://support.softwarefx.com/OnlineDoc/CfxNet70//WinAPI/Chart_ToolTipFormat.htm
  16. I found a little ajax sample I made sometime ago. It incorporate mouse click with ajax. I hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions.
  17. That method needs to be called after the whole chart has been calculated. Call it after you are done configuring the chart, call the RecalcScale method and try again.
  18. You are looking for the ValueToPixel method. Take a look at your documentation.
  19. The thread you linked to is for Chart FX for Client Server 5.1. This thread is for Chart FX for Reporting Services. I am assuming you want the solution for Client Server, since there is no API in Chart FX for Reporting Services. I will reply on the correct forum.
  20. I have not heard anything yet. I have just requested an update.
  21. Licensing issues are usually solved by reinstalling. I would make sure to download the latest installer and then try a uninstall/reinstall. The link to the latest installer should be on the email we sent you when you purchased the product. If you do not have that link, contact support at softwarefx dot com
  22. You can't access what you pass to the chart as NotUsed. But I might have a little work around that might work for you. In the BubbleChart sample (that comes with the installer), the "Symbol" column is passed as Label. Then, on a foreach loop passed to array of strings and the labels are cleared. Maybe you could do something similar, but instead of passing the values to a array of strings you could use the Tag property of Point. Then access it in obj.Point.Item(<point>).Tag. Let me know if that works for you.
  23. Not sure what you mean by coordinate of the first series. Can you be a little more descriptive?
  24. Try changing the font style of the axis section: chart1.AxisX.Sections[0].FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
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