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Everything posted by AndreG

  1. Not sure what you mean, can you send a screenshot?
  2. The license will only be embeded if the project is compiled as an exe, not as dll. You might need an special license. Try contacting sales at sales [at] softwarefx [dot] com.
  3. AndreG

    Converting grid

    I have confirmed that there is an issue with that link. Working on it, will report here when its back up. Please email contact support [at] softwarefx [dot] com for the correct link. Do not forget to send them your Serial Number.
  4. Try this. chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.AxisX.CustomGridLines].Visible = false; chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.AxisY.CustomGridLines].Visible = false;
  5. AndreG

    Pie chart

    Try this. chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Pie;GalleryObj.Pie myPie = (GalleryObj.Pie) chart1.GalleryObj;myPie.LabelsInside = false;
  6. This worked for me horizontalGauge1.Scales[0].Indicators[0].Value = 1286.607211; horizontalGauge1.Scales[0].Indicators[0].Format.FormatType = ValueFormatType.Custom; horizontalGauge1.Scales[0].Indicators[0].Format.FormatCustom = "#,##0.##M"; horizontalGauge1.Scales[0].Tickmarks.Format.FormatType = ValueFormatType.Custom; horizontalGauge1.Scales[0].Tickmarks.Format.FormatCustom = "#,##0.##M";
  7. http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/1/009.htm
  8. While you might have solved your problem, I would still recommend looking over those articles and figuring out why PSS is not working. There are many advantages in using it.
  9. It's a service. Take a look at your Resource Center under Chart FX Programmer's Guide > Performance and Scalability. Turning it off will allow you to know whether or not it is causing the red X. Here is some more info on PSS. http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/1/004.htm http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/2/021.htm http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/1/010.htm
  10. Chart FX is using OnClick to display the ContextMenus. The way to make your code work would be to turn them off. Chart1.ContextMenus = false;
  11. Great. Wonder why my code is not working for you, but thanks for sharing!
  12. ya... i forgot the forums don't like js... For the code behind part, remove all the "*" from the following line. Chart1.AllSeries.Link.OnMouseOut = "J*a*v*a*s*c*r*i*p*t*:test()";
  13. Try this: On aspx: <script lang="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function test(){ alert("test"); } </script> On codebehind: Chart1.AllSeries.Link.OnMouseOut = "Javascript:test()";
  14. I might be a little late. Sorry. Have you figured this out? There is a sample that comes with the product called PassingData. Have you taken a look at that?
  15. I dont have an answer to your question, but I might have a better way if all you are trying to do is export charts in higher quality. Try the following: int desiredDPI = 300; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, (chart1.Width * desiredDPI) / 96, (chart1.Height * desiredDPI) / 96); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (r.Width, r.Height); bmp.SetResolution(desiredDPI, desiredDPI); Graphics g = Graphics .FromImage(bmp); chart1.Paint(g, r, PaintStyles .Background | PaintStyles .Border | PaintStyles .Print); bmp.Save(@"c:\temp\cfx.png", ImageFormat.Png); g.Dispose(); bmp.Dispose();
  16. Are you allowing annonymous access to the virtual directory?
  17. Hi Sarah, I would like to help, but I am not sure of what you mean. Do you want think you can post a mock screenshot of what you are trying to achieve?
  18. Hi, Chart FX 6.2 questions should be posted on the Chart FX 6.2 forums: http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/default.aspx?GroupID=7 I have posted some code for this before. Take a look at the following post. http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/10128/24389.aspx#24389 Hope this helps.
  19. There is no property that will fix the Axis Y width, but you can use PlotAreaMargin to increase/decrease it. Take a look at the sample I made for you. I hope it helps.
  20. Hmmmm... The forums do not like it when I spell out JS... Let me use an image instead of text. Attached is what the sample code above (not project) was supposed to be.
  21. To link every point of the chart to a JS function called myFunction, passing as parameters the Series and Point that were clicked, here is the code you need. Link mylink = Chart1.AllSeries.Link;mylink.Url = "Javascript:myFunction(%S,%N)"; Note that the flags used here are the same used to create custom tooltips. They are all listed on your API, under ToolTipFormat property of the Chart class. Attached is a sample that demonstrates a drilldown using links to JS functions.
  22. To take advantage of the Chart FX for WPF Beta extension one should uninstall/reinstall the product. The uninstall process is similar to any other application in Windows, it can be done through Control Panel -> Programs and Features (or "Add or Remove Programs" in earlier versions of Windows). The installer can still be downloaded from our website and you may reuse your original Serial Number . Go to http://www.softwarefx.com/SfxTrial/GetCfxBeta.asp?BetaId=17 if you need to download the installer again or if you lost your Serial Number. To make sure that your license has been extended, try creating a new project, dropping a chart on the main window and try running it. The default chart should be displayed.If you are able to create a new project that uses Chart FX but are still seeing the Expired License message on your old project, your old license might still be cached. Follow the steps bellow to refresh the license on your project. - Remove the Chart FX dll references from the References folder on Solution Explorer. - Remove the line on the licenses.licx file (inside the Properties folder on Solution Explorer) that mentions ChartFX.WPF.Chart. - Create a new temporary window on your project. - Drop a chart on your new window. That will recreate the license and dll references. You may then delete the temporary window.
  23. If you are rendering your chart as .NET, every event can be captured on clientside. The ZoomScrollbar sample uses a lot of clientside events. http://support.softwarefx.com/FeaturedSamples/ZoomScrollBar.zip If you are rendering as image, you would have to link the point to js functions, which limits what you can do.
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