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  1. Any update as to this issue?
  2. I have read several postings on highlighting entire series. In essence, I am looking for a way to highlight one specific record of ONE series (or a color change using conditional attributes). ex. Record, Value List 1, 1000 List 2, 2000 List 3, 5000 List 4, 100000 In a bar graph, I want to be able to highlight "List 3". We're able to accomplish this using 2 different series, but I am looking for a more elegant way. Thanks for your time!
  3. Was wondering if there was a hot fix, or any update on this issue. Thanks!!
  4. Hi - has there been any update? thanks
  5. Thanks for your response AndreG. Just as a follow up, i've also tried the following: this.chart1.AxisX.GetScrollView(out ViewMin, out ViewMax); this.chart1.AxisY.GetScrollView(out ViewMin, out ViewMax);this.chart1.AxisX.Zoom(-1, -764); this.chart1.AxisY.Zoom(0, -1); //this.chart1.AxisX.SetScrollView(1, 764); //this.chart1.AxisY.SetScrollView(0, 1);Thanks again for your time.
  6. *Note, i've tried the following already: map1.CancelZoom(); //chart1.AxisX.ZoomOff(); //chart1.AxisY.ZoomOff(); //chart1.Refresh(); //chart1.AxisY.ResetScale(); //chart1.AxisX.ResetScale(); //map1.Recalculate();
  7. I'm having difficulties with zooming within maps. Currently, our application has the zoom button within the toolbar removed. However, the user can still click and drag to select a region to zoom into (which is, what we want). The chart zoom property is set to true. However, I cannot seem to figure out how to cancel the zoom, or reset it, back to the original state. Is there a method I can access to set the zoom back (as when someone presses the toolbar button to set the zoom properly?) Thanks for your time
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