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Silverlight extension - mapping datapoints to the named objects


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I'm using the silverlight extension to chart some data.  In order to bolt on interactivity, I'm trying to figure out which named objects are associated with each datapoint. 

Do you have any best practices for doing this?  Because of your architecture, I am effectively sending the data back from the server twice - once with your graph, then again to associate the data.  This is unfortunate, but liveable.  Now.. I have your graph, with some named objects.. and I have the data.  It's unfortunately, not a 1:1 mapping.  What can I do?

I notice that the output from the silverlight writer includes a "canvasmap."  This has the information that I need.  Could you expose that from the silverlight chart control?  That would certainly make my life easier.

My other option is to try and read the webform directly, and steal that data..  but that's not going to be much fun.

Thoughts?  Does the flash writer have this same problem?  Is this the right forum for this question?


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>> I'm trying to figure out which named objects are associated with each datapoint. >> I notice that the output from the silverlight writer includes a "canvasmap." ... Could you expose that from the silverlight chart control?

Can you expand on when do you need to the mapping?We already expose a click event where we internally use the canvasmap to translate from a visual object to a series/point combination.

Do you need an alternate method that exposes this mapping? Or do you need mouse move/hover events with the same information as the click?

>> Does the flash writer have this same problem?

Actually the flash output is just a static SWF there is no client-side counterpart.

>> Is this the right forum for this question?

You might want to post silverlight add-on questions in the ChartFX 7 extensions forum.




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