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Suggestion for future version

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We use many gadgets to monitor our Exchange 2007 system.


Guage for MailStore sizes,

Chart for the dynamic SMTP queue lengths,

Digital for number of mailboxes on each server, active UM Voice & Fax calls, Copy & Replay queues on the CCR Cluster & date/time of last successful backup.

What would be nice is a Traffic Light type guage, that we could set, for example, to Red if more than 1 service stopped, amber for 1 service stopped and Green for all services running.


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We have this in our wish list for a future version, however you can achieve it today with out-map, a custom map and conditional attributes. We include a sample showing the status of servers (online/offline) in red or green. Similarly, it can be customized for more colors. I will try to create a post blog showing how to do it later this week.

Would you prefer it with a single "bulb" changing colors or rather three "bulbs" like a real traffic light? Vertical or horizontal?


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Here are the scripts we are using to monitor Exchange 2007, they were created in Powergadgets creator so there are no out- entries

I have attached a screen shot (it is rather small due to upload restriction)

Chart (Used for monitoring dynamic Exchange SMTP Queues)get-exchangeserver | where-object {$_.IsHubTransportServer -eq $True} | get-queue | select {$_.Identity.ToString()}, MessageCount

Radial Guage (Used for Mailbox Store size)$(get-item "\\gimldnexclu01\e$\first storage group\databasefiles\mailboxstore01.edb").Length/1024/1024/1024

Digital Guage (Used for number of maiboxes on Server)get-mailbox | where-object {$_.ServerName -eq "GIMLDNEXCLU01) } | Group ServerName

Digital Guage (Used for number of active UM Voice & Fax calls)get-umactivecalls -dialplan gartmore | where-ojbect {$_.CallType -eq "Voice" | select CallType | Groupget-umactivecalls -dialplan gartmore | where-ojbect {$_.CallType -eq "Fax" | select CallType | Group

Digital Guage (Uses for CCR Cluster Copy & Replay queue length)get-storagegroupcopystatus -server gimldnexclu01 | select replayqueuelengthget-storagegroupcopystatus -server gimldnexclu01 | select copyqueuelength

Digital Guage (Used to display last successful backup of Exchange Store)get-mailboxdatbase -server gimldnexclu01 -status | select LastFullBackup 

Digital Guage (Used for showing the number of "Stopped Exchange" services$services = test-servicehealth -server gimldnexhub01 | select-object ServicesNotRunning   $No_Of_services = test-servicehealth -server gimldnexhub01 | select-object ServicesNotRunning | group-object

  $count = 0   if ($No_Of_services.Count -gt 1 )   {   for ($i = 0; $i -lt [int]$No_Of_services.Count; $i++)   {

  foreach ($element in $services[$i].ServicesNotRunning)   {   $count += 1     }   }   $count


  else   {   $count = 0   foreach ($element in $services.ServicesNotRunning)   {   $count += 1     }




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, I have added a chart showing the top 10 mailboxes by size in our Exchange 2007 environment (I have obscured names on purpose).

This Mailbox sizes script was created by Exchange MVP Andy Webb and can be found at http://exchangepedia.com/blog/2007/02/empower-your-powershell-with.html.

We use the PowerGadgets monitoring screen with a Transparent Screen Saver, that locks the PC, but continues to show us the PowerGadgets.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I can...  The more important piece is the custom SVG though.  I've played around with the Creator these last few days, and I have a super cool traffic light now, thanks to the PowerGadgets team.  If you can wait about one week (or less), I should have something to share via a blog entry.  One thing I wasn't sure about is whether I should have 4 bulbs (Red-Yellow/Amber-Green-Red) or just 3 (Red-Yellow/Amber-Green).

What would you like to see first Trevor?

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Hi Marco

 This sounds like excellent news. I would prefer a normal traffic light, (Red/Amber/Green).

I have been trying to create SVG files using Microsoft Visio 2007, although they seem to create OK, and I can open the SVG file outside of Powergadgets. Powergadgets doesn't like them.

I look forward to seeing the traffic light.

Many thanks


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Hi MarcoI have had an email response from Powergadgets. They suggest that I can only use Adobe Illustrator to create SVG files for Powergadgets.

I don't agree that I should have to spend $600 buying Adobe Illustrator, just to create SVG files that Powergadgets can read. We currently use Microsoft Visio 2007 and the SVG files it generates can be opened by other programs without any problems.

I am writing to Powergadgets to ask them to look again at their code, so that it can read SVG files created by programs other than Adobe Illustrator.

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Try out the attached...  Once unzipped, within the directory where the files are unzipped, run "./traffic".

You will need to update traffic_light.ps1 with the appropriate logic for "counting" the number of services you need to watch.

Let me know how it goes.  I will blog about this in the next week or so.  If you need any help, let me know...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marco

That looks great, could you send me the svg file so I can work on it in Powergadgets Creator.



In my latest version, I've not done a custom SVG.  Just run the script so it opens the gadget, click on the gadget, do a copy, go to the Creator and paste rigth there on the screen.  Voila!  You will have all of the code I created.

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