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Using system.windows.forms to embed out-*


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I'm looking into creating a Windows application that would have something like out-map embedded within.  Any ideas on how I could do this?  I'm unsure of exactly how the display of cmdlets, like out-map, occurs.

I've noticed that when I call my first cmdlet, I see a "PowerGadgets.Presenter.exe" process start running...  But that still doesn't give me any ideas on how to proceed.

Oh, and I don't want to export to an image, and present that...  I want the full functionality.  I'm assuming an image would lose the rollover/highlighting functionality...

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If you are creating a full Windows Forms application then you should use Chart FX for Visual Studio 2005 and Chart FX Extension Pack (maps), since those are the base components used by PowerGadgets. You will have all of functionality currently provided by out-chart/out-map, with the advantage of using a native WinForms component. A webforms component is also available, as well as gauges (Chart FX Gauges). Chart FX information is found at www.softwarefx.com.


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