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on click of pie chart page should not refresh(ajax)


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Dear All,

On click of pie chart slice page should not refresh.

i wrote the click event , while clicking the pie chart slice whole page refreshing.

My requirement page will not refresh when clicking the pie chart slice.


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protected void Chart1_Click(object sender, HitTestEventArgs e)


 if (e.HitType == HitType.Point)


lblData.Text = Chart1.Data[e.Series, e.Point].ToString();



data is not displaying in the lblData.text. i have set chart.UseCallbackForEvents = true;


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You said: "My requirement page will not refresh when clicking the pie chart slice."

If you set UseCallbackForEvents = true, only the chart will be refreshed.

If you want to refresh another control you will have to either use some AJAX framework or do it on your own. Chart FX is capable of making AJAX calls to itself but it is not an AJAX framework. You may want to try using a ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePannel in which both the chart and the label are included. In this situation, you will not use UseCallbackForEvents but instead you will leave the AJAX functionality for the update panel to do.


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