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stacked bar chart


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i wrote this code i am using trail version of chartfx.


chartbar.Point[chartbar.Data.Points - 2].Color =


i am getting this error

Error 1 'ChartFX.WebForms.Chart' does not contain a definition for 'Point' and no extension method 'Point' accepting a first argument of type 'ChartFX.WebForms.Chart' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\Asset\Default.aspx.cs 43 18 E:\Asset\

chartfx.webforms.chart dll is not there in my system

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First ensure that the gallery property is set to Bar, then you can set the Stacked property as follows:

chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Bar;

chart1.AllSeries.Stacked =


Alternatively, you can access each individual series and set its Stacked property in the following way:

Assuming you are plotting three series, you can do the following:

chart1.Series[0].Stacked = true;

chart1.Series[1].Stacked =


chart1.Series[2].Stacked =


This will stack the first two series while the third one will show next to the stacked bars.

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