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Can not view 6.2 charts after installing chartfx for VS 2005


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I currently have both the chartfx 6.2 and new chartfx 7 installed locally on my development box. I had to make changes to an old asp.net 1.0 application that uses the chartfx 6.2 dll. Everything works fine locally until I moved my compiled code to our stage server. All that comes up is a grey box, the expected functionality when you right click is there , the chart is just not rendered for some reason. If i set the html tag to image , it shows up.

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Follow up. I moved the chartfx dll's(6.2) from another application on our stage environment that had not yet had dll's overwritten with the 6.2 dlls from my dev box. When I did this the charts showed up and I did not get the missing license tag issue. I have completely removed the 7.0 install and now just have 6.2 installed on my dev box.

I compared the dll's from the application that worked to the ones that are on my dev box and they are all the same version.  

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