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3D Pie edge disappears with certain values


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I like the 3D pie chart look that is in your sample AppDemo project (PiePage.xaml - DataTemplate Pie3).

 I have been playing with this style, and it works fine in some scenarios, and fails in others.

 Using this chart style, I'm doing the following in code:


<int> chartItems = new List<int>();chart1.Points.Clear();




chart1.ItemsSource = chartItems;

The above code shows a nice 3D pie chart


If I change the code to look like this then I have a problem:

List<int> chartItems = new List<int>();





chart1.ItemsSource = chartItems;


In this case, the top surface of the pie chart shows correctly, as does the shadow underneath.  However, the edge of the pie disappears.  It looks like a flat pancake, rather than the 3D look.

 I am new to ChartFX charts, so perhaps I'm not coding this right. 

Any insight would be appreciated.  I can send you the complete sample if it helps.


Todd M 


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Some more info:

 I was referring to the Styling sample - in the solution it's Styling\PiePage.xaml.

 I've attached as screenshot of the two scenarios.

I also looked at just setting the View3D to Enabled on a standard chart.  However, the edges are jagged (no anti-aliasing?)

Is there a way to turn on anti-aliasing with a standard 3D pie chart?  If so, that would probably work for me.


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We have fixed this issue, if you want to receieve an updated build drop an email to wpf at softwarefx dot com.

>> I also looked at just setting the View3D to Enabled on a standard chart.  However, the edges are jagged (no anti-aliasing?)

I am afraid this is the default WPF 3D behavior in Windows XP (In Vista  WPF 3D content is anti-aliased). You can read this thread to get more info about why Microsoft decided to do this as well as a registry key to modify this behavior.



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