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Everything posted by tfmillet

  1. I am assuming that builds can only occur if the machine has run the ChartFX install, and that since my other machine does not have ChartFX installed, that is the source of the error. Is that correct? If so, does that mean that every one of our build machines would have to actually install ChartFX? Other charting libraries we have used have allowed us to put the referenced component DLL on the build machine as part of downloading the project source, and have not required an actual install of the product. This is important for us, since our build process will randomly choose an available machine to download code to and build on, based on available resources. If an install is required on every build machine, that could be a problem. Any info would be appreciated. Todd M
  2. I am trying to test how we would build our projects using this library. Everything works fine on my development machine, after installing the beta download package. I have copied the project files to another machine, where I did not install ChartFX. I have copied ChartFX.WPF.dll and ChartFX.WPF.Design.dll to a folder on the new machine, and added a project reference to them. I also have a licenses.licx file in my project's Properties folder, which has the following entry: ChartFX.WPF.Chart, ChartFX.WPF, Version=0.8.2957.30556, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce However, when I try to build the project on the new machine, I get the following error: Properties\licenses.licx(1): error LC0004: Exception occurred creating type 'ChartFX.WPF.Chart, ChartFX.WPF, Version=0.8.2957.30556, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce' System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Couldn't get Design Time license for 'ChartFX.WPF.Chart' Any insights as to how I can fix this? Thanks, Todd M
  3. Some more info: I was referring to the Styling sample - in the solution it's Styling\PiePage.xaml. I've attached as screenshot of the two scenarios. I also looked at just setting the View3D to Enabled on a standard chart. However, the edges are jagged (no anti-aliasing?) Is there a way to turn on anti-aliasing with a standard 3D pie chart? If so, that would probably work for me.
  4. I like the 3D pie chart look that is in your sample AppDemo project (PiePage.xaml - DataTemplate Pie3). I have been playing with this style, and it works fine in some scenarios, and fails in others. Using this chart style, I'm doing the following in code: List <int> chartItems = new List<int>();chart1.Points.Clear(); chartItems.Add(35); chartItems.Add(45); chartItems.Add(20); chart1.ItemsSource = chartItems; The above code shows a nice 3D pie chart If I change the code to look like this then I have a problem: List<int> chartItems = new List<int>(); chart1.Points.Clear(); chartItems.Add(92); chartItems.Add(2); chartItems.Add(5); chart1.ItemsSource = chartItems; In this case, the top surface of the pie chart shows correctly, as does the shadow underneath. However, the edge of the pie disappears. It looks like a flat pancake, rather than the 3D look. I am new to ChartFX charts, so perhaps I'm not coding this right. Any insight would be appreciated. I can send you the complete sample if it helps. Thanks, Todd M
  5. Solved my own problem. It's not an issue with the chart, it's WPF. If I put everything in a Viewbox, the Stretch property controls the aspect ratio the way I want.
  6. First off, I really like what I'm seeing in the library so far, and can't wait to see it released. I've created a project with a pie chart. It is hosted in the cell of a WPF Grid. As the window and grid size changes, the pie chart gets larger or smaller, which is just the behavior I want. However, if the user widens the window without increasing the height of the window (stretches the window horizontally only), the pie chart grows both horizontally and vertically. The net effect is that the top and bottom of the chart get cut off. Is there a property I can set which will tell the chart to limit the amount it grows so it is not cut off?
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