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Plotting negative values in a bar graph


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I am using ChartFX bar graph and having the following issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1) The bar graph is all fine when all values are positive. You change values on my application the graph automatically scales and all is fine. 

2) If any one of the values is negative, nothing comes up on the graph, which I guess is because the Max and the Min values will be set to the samething, and hence no graph. To overcome this issue, I set the ForceZero property of the Yaxis to false. It worked fine to start off... The graph was now getting displayed. But, my chart has multiple panes, and now the Zero line was getting displayed only for the first pane. I tried using Constant Lines, but nothing seemed to work. I am not sure if I am doing that right !!!

3) If more than one value is negative, the graph does'nt scale properly at all. It's totally wrong. 

Please Help !!!!!!! 



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