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Changing properties of chart and data.


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I have upgraded from version 6.2 to 7.0 and in the new version, i can not figure out how to make the chart to allow changes to the data on the client. I was easily able to do so in version 6.2.

I have the following lines in my code to set the properties:

Chart1.DataGrid.ReadOnly = False;Chart1.AllowChanges = AllowChanges.All;Chart1.AllowDrag = True;

Now apparently this is not enough to make the client data changable. I also read up on how the chart needs to be rendered. So i tried changing it from image to .Net rendering. But when i did this, nothing appears, i just get a 'Please wait, downloading' message that sits there forever and it never finishes. So I know i must be missing something or doing something completely wrong.

I learn best by seeing a working example (sample code), however there are no sample apps provide that have this editing capability that i need to replicate. If anyone can give me some help, i would really appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

Thanks in advanced!!!!


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Okay... been playing around with this all day, and finally I got it to work the way I wanted it to (pure luck stumbling on what I was missing). It seems that i missed a property... apparently i needed to set the following property tag (UseClientLoader="True" ) and now my chart is rendered via .net instead of image and I am also able to change the data dynamically on the client. VERY NICE FEATURE.

However... Now i have a new problem i must tackle. When I publish my web app to my test server, my charts do not appear. This was not a problem when i rendered my charts as images (they worked fine on the test server). But now when I try to run a chart via .net rendering, I just get a blank panel like area where the chart should be with a scrollbar to the right of the area.

Is this a security issue of some kind?? Do i need to tweak some settings on the test server?

Thanks again in advanced!!!



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This is a forum, not all questions get answered, whomever visits the forum and knows the answer to a question will reply. Although there is Software FX people (includding myself) that regurlaly visits this forum it is still a community tool.

I suggest you contact Software FX support directly whenever you are looking for a direct answer from SFX.

This issue in particular I read it a few days ago and nothing came to mind on what could be causing this problem (hence the no reply). A security issue is a possibility, that's easy to test, simply set the trust level to "Full Trust" in your client (for the .NET Framework 2.0).

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