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Percentage axis


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is it possible to set the precision of an axis to one decimal place (i want 0.3465 to be displayed as 34.7%) using: chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Percentage;if I use

chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "0.0%"; then the values are not rounded

 Any suggestions?

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The Y axis labels don't correspond to the values, there is a min a max and a step. There may be values between the labels.

In other words, if one of the values in your data is 0.55 there is nothing that will force a label at that particular point.

If you feel I an not understanding what you mean, please post a piece of code that reproduces the situation and indicate what you were expecting vs. what you got.

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Here is an exact copy the code that I am using: 

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e){ 

DataSet result = Miscellaneous.DataAccess("exec GetData'");

chModContribution.DataSource = result.Tables[0];


chModContribution.Gallery = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Gallery.Bar;

chModContribution.Titles[0].Text = title;

chModContribution.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;

chModContribution.SerLegBox = true;

chModContribution.PointLabels =

true;chModContribution.AxisX.Visible= false;

chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Percentage;

chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 1;

//chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "0.0%";

chModContribution.PointLabelMask = "%s \n %v";

chModContribution.BorderObject.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

chModContribution.ImgQuality = 100;

chModContribution.AxesStyle = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.AxesStyle.Math;

chModContribution.AxisX.Line.Color = Color.Transparent;

chModContribution.Series[0].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[1].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);chModContribution.Series[2].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[3].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);chModContribution.Series[4].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[5].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);chModContribution.Series[6].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[7].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.ContextMenus =



.OnPreRender (e);


 There is one datapoint the value of which is ("P/E", 0.0555), what I am expecting is 5.6% for this point what I get is 5.5%

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Here is an exact copy the code that I am using: 

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e){ 

DataSet result = Miscellaneous.DataAccess("exec GetData'");

chModContribution.DataSource = result.Tables[0];


chModContribution.Gallery = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Gallery.Bar;

chModContribution.Titles[0].Text = title;

chModContribution.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;

chModContribution.SerLegBox = true;

chModContribution.PointLabels =

true;chModContribution.AxisX.Visible= false;

chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Percentage;

chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.Decimals = 1;

//chModContribution.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "0.0%";

chModContribution.PointLabelMask = "%s \n %v";

chModContribution.BorderObject.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

chModContribution.ImgQuality = 100;

chModContribution.AxesStyle = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.AxesStyle.Math;

chModContribution.AxisX.Line.Color = Color.Transparent;

chModContribution.Series[0].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[1].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);chModContribution.Series[2].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[3].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);chModContribution.Series[4].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.Series[5].PointLabelFont =

new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);chModContribution.Series[6].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7); chModContribution.Series[7].PointLabelFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7);

chModContribution.ContextMenus =



.OnPreRender (e);


 There is one datapoint the value of which is ("P/E", 0.0555), what I am expecting is 5.6% for this point what I get is 5.5%

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Since you didn't include your datasource, I added one point to the chart manually as follows:

//DataSet result = Miscellaneous.DataAccess("exec GetData'");

//Chart1.DataSource = result.Tables[0];


Chart1.Value[0,0] = 0.0555;


COD.Values) ;

And I get a label of 5.6% for the point.

Attached is a picture of the chart I get.

I suspect this is a problem with your data. If you provide me a piece of code that I can run here, including data and everything, I can give you further guidance. As of now I am not able to reproduce the situation you describe (you can try this code on your end).


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