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PropertyGrid Error


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I have upgraded from 6.2 to 7 and I am now having a problem using the chart control with PropertyGrid. When I set the SelectedObject property I get the error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' Below is my code. The properties are sorted alphabetically and it is whatever comes after CausesValidation that is causing the problem. Any ideas?

 I see from the related posts that SoftwareFX suggest that designtime use is not supported, however this is something we have done successfully in version 6.2. I do hope that we have not upgraded to find that something has been removed that we use.


.propGrid = New PropertyGrid

propGrid.CommandsVisibleIfAvailable =


propGrid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill

propGrid.PropertySort = PropertySort.Alphabetical



propGrid.SelectedObject =

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I do not get this error when I run this code. I get a property grid. No exceptions.

Make sure you are using the latest Chart FX Service Pack.

 As for the design time use, both Chart FX 6.2 and Chart FX 7 have license restrictions on how they can be used and deployed. Design-time use is one of such restrictions. Please review the license agreements for details.

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