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How to Skip Weekend from Date Range on Daily Basis Chart


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We have a line chart with as much as 1000+ or more date values in x-axis and numeric values on y-axis. We can have more then one series in the chart.

We are using arraylist of dates to pouplate x-axis. this data does not contain weekends. Therefor it has only data for Monday to Friday and Satureday, Sunday Dates are skiped from the series. But Chart shows dates lines/space for Satureday and Sundays.

Can you help me to skip the weekends from the chart showing data for years, 1 to 5 years on daily basis? I tried AutoScall property but it make chart crash and not displayed.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The X-Axis can be one of the following 2:

- Continuous: In this mode the scale will be continuous and not dictated by the data points but by a range and a step.

- Discrete/Categorical: The X-Axis is simply a collection of points. There is no fixed relationship between the labels, they are simply strings.

Some chart type: Bars,Hi-Low-Close,Candlestick and Cubes only support discrete/categorical X-Axis, therefore, if like in your case, the date skips some values, they will be reflected in the X-Axis.

When your chart contains X-Values and the X-Axis it is categorical, we do what we call "Data Driven Labeling" in which we let the data control the labels on the X-Axis, not the range, but the actual points.

In a continuous X-Axis, the data is irrelevant. Only the range has an effect on the X-Axis labeling.

Looks to me that you want to have Data Driven labels, but by default, if your chart is not one of the galleries mentioned above, your X-Axis will be continuous. You can change this by setting:

chart.ExtraStyle |= ChartStyles.ForceDataDriven;

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Hi Frank,

We are using Line Chart and I am afraid this is not working for us.

we were using following

chart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("Field1", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.XValue));

now we are used following

chart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new ChartFX.WebForms.FieldMap("Field1", ChartFX.WebForms.FieldUsage.Label));

and it works fine and weekends are skipped but it is disabling Sections added on that axis

can you assist further in this context


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