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Creating a Stacked Bar Chart - Help


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I am trying to create a stacked bar chart with a line and I am having some trouble.

I have some code below:

    Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Sold_For_USD", FieldUsage.Value))      Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Num_Deals", FieldUsage.Value))      'Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("BuyOutExitType", FieldUsage.Value))      Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Heading", FieldUsage.Label))

The line chart should be  "Sold_For_USD" and the bar chart should be "Num_Deals" stacked against BuyOutExitType and the x axis should be Heading.

I know how to create a bar chart with a line using this code:

    ' THIS IS THE LINE CHART (Sold_For_USD)     Chart1.Series(0).Gallery = Gallery.Lines     Chart1.Series(0).AxisY.Title.Text = "Number of Deals"         Chart1.Series(1).AxisY = Chart1.AxisY2 ' ADD A SECOND Y AXIS     Chart1.Series(1).AxisY.Title.Text = "$bn"     ' THIS IS THE BAR CHART (Num_Deals)     Chart1.Series(1).Gallery = Gallery.Bar   Chart1.AllSeries.AxisY.Title.Text = "Number of Deals"


But I how do I make the bar chart stacked against "BuyOutExitType" I know i can use:

Chart1.AllSeries.Stacked = Stacked.Normal

but I don't know how to stack it against the  field in my query

Hope this makes sense

thanks in advanced




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Add the line at the end:

Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Num_Deals", FieldUsage.Value))

     'Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("BuyOutExitType", FieldUsage.Value))

  Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Sold_For_USD", FieldUsage.Value))

Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Heading", FieldUsage.Label))

Then, after the data is read, set:

chart.Series[1].Gallery = Gallery.Lines; // Last series is series 1 (2 series)

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