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Posts posted by CarlosAC

  1. Hi ari88

    Unfortunately, Chart FX for COM 6.2 (both versions, Client Server 6.2 and Internet 6.2) does not contains any method that allow you to modify the order of the series.

    I have created a sample code that shows you how to put the lines over the bars, please try at your side.

    ' Open the communication channel

    Chart1.OpenData COD_Values, 2, 5

    ' Assign the values to the bars

    Chart1.Value(0, 0) = 6

    Chart1.Value(0, 1) = 7

    Chart1.Value(0, 2) = 8

    Chart1.Value(0, 3) = 9

    Chart1.Value(0, 4) = 10

    ' Assign the values to the lines

    Chart1.Value(1, 0) = 5

    Chart1.Value(1, 1) = 5

    Chart1.Value(1, 2) = 5

    Chart1.Value(1, 3) = 5

    Chart1.Value(1, 4) = 5

    'Close the communication channel

    Chart1.CloseData COD_Values

    Chart1.Series(0).Gallery = Gallery_Bar

    Chart1.Series(1).Gallery = Gallery_Lines

    I am attaching an image of the output of this code. 

    Carlos Chaves


  2. Hi robbieyeah

    It seems you installed Chart FX in your server using the Development option.  In order to remove the tag, you must install Chart FX using the Production option in the server as long as you have a full license key; you should have both options.  You only need to select the correct one.  Otherwise, if you have only the Development license, it is only for Development purposes and you cannot use it on a server machine.

    Carlos Chaves

  3. Hi Ankur

    Regarding your first question, you can use AnnotationText objects.  All information related to this object is available in Chart FX Samples & Resource Center, that is automatically added when you Install Chart FX 7 on your machine.  Please check the following code, it shows you how to add an AnnotationText:

    SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Annotation.AnnotationX annotx = new SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Annotation.AnnotationX();


    AnnotationText text = new AnnotationText();


    text.TextColor = Color.Blue;

    text.Text = "Sample Text";

    text.Height = 50;

    text.Width = 50;

    text.Top = 40;

    text.Left = 40;


    Now, regarding your second question, if you want to make the axis invisible, you can use the following code:

    AxisY newAxis = Chart1.AxesY[1];   -- Index 0 = the first Y axis and index 1 is the 2nd  Y axis

    newAxis.Visible = false;

    Carlos Chaves

  4. Hi js17078

    Unfortunately, Chart FX has an issue when you try to use it within an UpdatePanel; AJAX seem to get confused by the fact that there is content inside the <object> tag. 

    Software FX has created many samples you can download from our website. All of them were created based on AJAX functionality available in Chart FX. Please check them at: http://demo.softwarefx.com/chartfx/aspnet/ajaxsamples/ . You will have the option to download the source code, for .NET or Java IDE, and you can use them as reference for your implementation.

    Carlos Chaves


  5. Hi dolgorae

    Unfortunately, you cannot change the Axis Z-Index, this is a restriction by default.  I found a workaround for this issue, please check the following code:

    ChartFX.WinForms.AxisSection YSection = new ChartFX.WinForms.AxisSection(50 + 1, 50 - 10, Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red));ChartFX.WinForms.AxisSection XSection = new ChartFX.WinForms.AxisSection(8, 10, Color.FromArgb(70, Color.Blue));

    I hope it helps.



  6. Hi Shady

    Unfortunately, in Chart FX, the Legend Box will increase at the expense of the plot area.  This is by design.  There is no method you can use to set the plot area to have a higher priority over the Legend Box.  I apologize for the inconveniences this may cause.

    -- Pipon


  7. Hi bradaisa

    The performance is related to the complexity of the chart being displayed, for example a Curve chart is much slower than a Line chart, Circle markers are slower than Squared ones, in general, we depend on the performance of GDI+ so the performance of the chart depends a great deal of the performance of the GDI+ primitives used.

    Also, you should refrain from making extensive use of the features geared towards achieving a cosmetic effect on the chart. Particularly, features like Borders, Transparency and Gradients which heavily use the system graphical API as a way to improve the way charts look.

    -- Pipon

  8. Hi Smartie

    In order to get the point lables to display the percentage that series plot takes up of the full 100% instead of the value, please check following code:

    chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Format = "%P %%";

    -- Pipon


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