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Everything posted by maximop

  1. The API for ChartFX ClientServer 6.2 was completely re-designed. Although we do not have an actual migration guide from version 5.1 to 6.2, I have created an article that shows how to use our ChartFX ClientServer 6.2 component within an MFC application. This article also has a zip file attached where you can download a compilation of C++ projects that can help you in migrating your existing application. http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxCS62&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/190/1/011.htm In the future, please post your question(s) under the correct forum. Thank you.
  2. First ensure that the gallery property is set to Bar, then you can set the Stacked property as follows: chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Bar; chart1.AllSeries.Stacked = Stacked.Normal;Alternatively, you can access each individual series and set its Stacked property in the following way: Assuming you are plotting three series, you can do the following: chart1.Series[0].Stacked = true; chart1.Series[1].Stacked = true;chart1.Series[2].Stacked = false;This will stack the first two series while the third one will show next to the stacked bars.
  3. Let's try running the installer from the command prompt as follows: C:\"installer name" /N The important thing here is that you use the /N parameter which forces the installer to run. Also, make sure that you replace the "installer name" string with the actual name of your installer.
  4. This is to confirm that I have received your message stating that you are able to receive our e-mails. =) I will mark this post as answered and we will continue handling this incident through our support system. Thank you.
  5. On 3/24/08 and on 3/25/08 I had replied to the incident you created with our Support Team. Furthermore, on 3/25/08 I had also sent you an e-mail with the link to the incident page so you could access our communication logs. My guess is that you probably have a spam filter blocking our e-mails. Please ensure this is not the case so can proceed troubleshooting this incident via support since any issue needing a license string cannot be resolved on a public forum. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and sorry for any inconveniences.
  6. Are the ChartFX Internet 5.5 virtual folders properly set on IIS? Please follow the information below to ensure that the virtual folders are properly set and that you set the MIME Types: There are some known issues regarding Chart FX and Windows Server, here are some articles referring to that topic: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxIE&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/143/1/059.htm - This talks about adding the mime types. http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxIE&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/143/2/058.htm - This talks about setting the virtual folders. Due to the "lock down" nature of Windows Server, IIS is configured to not server any unknown file types. As a consequence, IIS6 returns 404 - File Not Found for some of the file extensions we use with our component or a license error much like the one you have received. You will need to add .chw and .lic extensions to the list of mime types manually. If not, IIS will not serve any files with those extensions. Steps: - Internet Information Service Manager - Right click "Default Web Site" and select properties - HTTP Headers page - Click on the "MIME Types" button - Click new - Set the extension to .chw and the mime type to "application/octet-stream" OK ... Also add: extension: .lic, type = text/plain
  7. We have not being able to replicate any issues related to permissions while installing ChartFX 7 on Windows Server 2008. Can you please provide me with additional details as to what is happening on your server? For example, Are you installing as an Administrator? At what point are you receiving this error? When trying to run the installer, after entering the serial #, etc. Can you post a screenshot of the error?
  8. Please refer to the following article where I have compiled a set of C++ samples; you can find a sample that implements an Event Handler. http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxCS62&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/190/1/011.htm
  9. To set the point labels for individual points, you need to access the PointLabels property of the PointAttributes. You can do as follows: m_chartPtr->GetPoint()->GetItem(0, 0)->PointLabels = true; m_chartPtr->GetPoint()->GetItem(0, 2)->PointLabels = true; In regards to not showing the decimals when accessing the data values, you can set the Decimals property of the DataFormat to 0, and the Decimals property of the LabelsFormat to 2. This will show the desired point labels with no decimals but will keep the decimals on the axis labels. You can do the following: m_chartPtr->AxisY->DataFormat->Decimals = 0; m_chartPtr->AxisY->LabelsFormat->Decimals = 2; m_chartPtr->PointLabelMask = "%p%% Value: %v"; Please note that the above code is for C++.
  10. I was able to replicate the issue with the labels. It seems that is specific to a combination of font family and size. For example, using the default font ("Arial") and "Courier", with size of 8, showed the labels being cut off; however, using "Helvetica" with the same size showed the labels as expected. I will report this to our development team; in the meantime, try to find a combination of font family and size that does not break the labels until this issue is resolved. You can refer to the attached screenshot to see the chart output with the fonts set to "Helvetica" and 8. Thank you for your patience while resolving this problem and I apologize for any inconveniences.
  11. I believe this was answered by one of my colleagues through our support tool but just in case, ChartFX Client Server 6.2 does not support customized palettes but this functionality should be available sometime in the future.
  12. To prevent a broken line between two points as you are experiencing, you can set the InterpolateHidden property to "true". This will draw a connecting line over a missing data point. You can do as follows: chart1.Data.InterpolateHidden = true; For more information about this property, please refer to the ChartFX Samples and Resource Center (Documentation installed with the product).
  13. To update ChartFX, you just need to download and apply the service pack available for your version of the product from our support website. Please note that applying a service pack only updates the ChartFX binaries within the ChartFX installation folder. You are responsible for re-referencing the ChartFX .dlls in your existing projects in order to reflect these changes. In regards to the invalid license, it is indeed very strange that applying the service pack have caused this; an invalid license error usually happens when machine information stored in the registry is different than the information extracted at runtime by the component. Basically, this can be caused by the MAC or IP addresses changing, moving the ChartFX installation folder after the component is installed, etc. As you already found out, reinstalling the product will correct most invalid license errors since the new machine information is now stored with the ChartFX license. If you encounter this problem again, I suggest that you contact Support to supportATsoftwarefx.com with a screenshot of the issue so we can see which invalid license error is being triggered.
  14. The error that you are receiving is a framework issue. Please note that ChartFX for .NET 6.2 uses Framework 1.1; however, Visual Studio 2005 installs Framework 2.0 though, so the client instead of using Framework 1.1 will use 2.0. If you configured the trust settings as you did above, make sure you are doing so for the .NET Framework 2.0 and make sure that My Computer and Trusted Sites are set to "Full Trust" as well as the zone where your application runs on (Internet or Intranet). You can follow these steps: 1. Open Control Panel->Administrative Tools->.NET Framework 2.0 Configuration 2. Click on "Configure Code Access Security Policy" 3. Click on "Adjust Zone Security" 4. Now click on next to make changes on your current computer 5. Finally set Intranet, Trusted Sites, My computer to Full Trust
  15. The exception that you are receiving is not related to ChartFX but to the permission settings of the .NET Framework. If you try the same process with an application that does not have ChartFX, are you able to build it? You more than likely will need to configure the Code Access Security Policy. You can refer to the following article about this topic: http://www.15seconds.com/issue/040121.htm
  16. The reason why you need to contact Support at that e-mail is so an incident # can be generated and assigned to you so when this bug is fixed, we are able to notify you.
  17. This error may mean that the component's ProgID key in the system registry has been assigned insufficient permissions. Please contact our Support Team to supportATsoftwarefx.com to properly troubleshoot this issue and provide you with the information needed to solve this problem. Make sure that you provide them with your serial #, kind of server where ChartFX is running, and if the problem is happening on the server-side or client-side.
  18. I was finally able to replicate the problem; originally, I had tested this under ChartFX for .NET 6.2 since this was the discussion group you post it your thread under but the problem is specific to ChartFX 7. In the future, to expedite your request(s), please ensure that you post your questions/issues under the correct group. Furthermore, this seems to be very specific to calling the Reset() method before changing the Cursor again so this may be very with low priority. In any case, please contact our Support Team to supportATsoftwarefx.com so this issue can be properly logged and so you can be notified once this problem is solved.
  19. Please post a simple project where you are able to replicate the problem.
  20. Once you create and open the connection, you need to set the chart's DataType so ChartFX and properly populate the data, and then pass your result set to the chart. You can do something like the following: ' Database code Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open Application("CfxIEConn") Set RS = Conn.Execute("SELECT ClosingDate,Sales,Projected From CIEDemoSales") ' Specify how SQL fields are used Chart.DataType(0) = CDT_XVALUE Chart.DataType(1) = CDT_VALUE Chart.DataType(2) = CDT_VALUE Chart.AdoResultset RS For more information, please refer to the samples provided on our support website for ChartFX Internet 5.5: http://support.softwarefx.com/SupportDocTree.aspx?Prod=CfxIE&Type=P
  21. I found that the Chart FX .NET 6.2 documentation does have an explanation for most of the style options and this can be seen on the attached screenshot. I have reported this issue and it will be fixed on the next release of the ChartFX 7 documentation. Sorry for any inconveniences.
  22. To resize the chart control while resizing the browser you need to set the Height and Width properties to a percentage value and the Sizeable property of the ImageSettings to true. You can try something like this: Chart1.Height = Unit.Percentage(65); Chart1.Width = Unit.Percentage(75);Chart1.ImageSettings.Sizeable = true;
  23. Unable to replicate. Make sure that you are running the latest service pack: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowInteractive.aspx?Product=CfxNet62&option=0
  24. I have responded to your request on a different post; the link is below: http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/8760/20412.aspx#20412
  25. Unable to replicate; make sure that you are running the latest ChartFX for .NET 6.2 service pack. You can download it from the link below: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowInteractive.aspx?Product=CfxNet62&option=0
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