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Posts posted by marco.shaw

  1. Hi Marco

    That looks great, could you send me the svg file so I can work on it in Powergadgets Creator.



    In my latest version, I've not done a custom SVG.  Just run the script so it opens the gadget, click on the gadget, do a copy, go to the Creator and paste rigth there on the screen.  Voila!  You will have all of the code I created.

  2. For some reason I cannot connect to SQL Server. The database names do not populate even tho i can see the sql server in the server name dropdown list. I am using windows authentication login and typing in a known database on the server and get "invalid object name 'sys.sysdatabases'".

    I have SQL Server Express 2005.  Seems this is the path to that object: "Databases\System Databases\master\Views\System Views\sys.databases".  You may want to confirm that exists, and what the permissions are on it.

  3. I believe there is an issue with the current downloads where the extension of images is being stripped when sent via send-mail.  I believe your email system is seeing this attachment without the extension, and is actually stripping it from the message, and putting the .dat file in there.  You may be able to view the .dat file with Notepad, and that may confirm my assumption above.

    Contact support@online.powergadgets.com (remove ".online") for the location of an update if you are willing to test it out.

  4. I previously had build 2760 installed.  I had PowerShell running, then uninstalled 2760 because I wanted to upgrade.  (I should have closed PSH probably at this point!!!)

    With PSH still running, I started the build 2783 install.  I believe it complained that it could not overwrite PowerGadgets.Commands.dll.  I
    closed PowerShell, and told the installer to 'retry'.  All seemed to go fine.

    Now, out-chart -configure gives *nothing*, and trying to open the Creator gives me:

    PowerGadgets Creator
    Could not load file or assembly 'ChartFX.Designer,
    Version=7.0.2757.39769, Culture=neutral,
    PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce' or one of its dependencies. The
    located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly
    reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

    I've retried installing the old version I had before.  Tried rebooting.  Nothing seems to work.
    I can't think of anything else to try right now...
    Any ideas?
  5. OK, so you aren't passing the values one at a time to the gadget?  What you have is a datafile and you import the whole thing on each run.  You possibly want to keep your datafile for recording purposes.

    I think this will give you what you're looking for:

    import-csv 'C:\Program Files\Vergent Software\TemperatureLoggingServiceSetup\TemperatureLog.csv' | select -last 10 Date,{$_.Temperature}

    Use that as the data handed over to the gadget.


  6. Try out the attached...  Once unzipped, within the directory where the files are unzipped, run "./traffic".

    You will need to update traffic_light.ps1 with the appropriate logic for "counting" the number of services you need to watch.

    Let me know how it goes.  I will blog about this in the next week or so.  If you need any help, let me know...

  7. OK, this doesn't sound like something you're going to get easily, but it won't be impossible.  Sounds to me like you're going to need to do some file manipulation.

    One thing that can be done with out-map is to use the -createlabellinkfile parameter.  This creates a XML file of the format:

    <DataText>Something</DataText>  <-The value in the data passed to out-map<SvgText>Something</SvgText> <-The value in the SVG file<DisplayText>Something</DisplayText> <-The value/string that will be displayed as a tooltip

    You would need to create this XML file, then iterate through it and rewrite it to what you need, specifically the <DisplayText></DisplayText> entry.

    Then, you can use the XML file you created with out-map -labellinkfile to load the map with the particular XML file.

    Does this sound like a path you want to go down?  I can certainly help.

    We will need to create at least 3 temporary files though: the one created by the -createlabellinkfile, the XML file we rewrite, and a lookup table (the table could even be in-memory actually).


  8. I can...  The more important piece is the custom SVG though.  I've played around with the Creator these last few days, and I have a super cool traffic light now, thanks to the PowerGadgets team.  If you can wait about one week (or less), I should have something to share via a blog entry.  One thing I wasn't sure about is whether I should have 4 bulbs (Red-Yellow/Amber-Green-Red) or just 3 (Red-Yellow/Amber-Green).

    What would you like to see first Trevor?

  9. Are you using the PowerGadgets Creator or are doing this directly from PowerShell.  From the Creator, you will be able to pick what properties to create the chart with, and from PowerShell, you should be able to use the select-object to limit what properties you want to see in the resulting chart.

  10. I'm assuming here that you are using Creator, and are cutting and pasting this script into the script window? 

    The use of format-table cmdlet seems to change the object structure passed along the PowerShell pipeline.

    I started downloading a pre-built SharePoint VM, but my connection reset and I lost what I had so far.  The VM is huge, and there's no way I will be able to get it before Friday.

    A few things to try:

    1. I'd like to see what '$SPWebAppCollection|get-member' gives from your script.

    2. Try removing format-table from the pipline to see what that might give.

  11. Now I follow you...  The issue seems to be directly with -refresh.  When you call -refresh, what happens is that there is an invokation of another PowerShell runspace.  The entire command is passed to the new runspace, except it is cutoff just after the time value, so the "{" is included, but the "}" is not included in what is used by the new runspace.

    I never tried the start-demo script with -refresh so thanks for pointing that out!

    Would this be an acceptable workaround...  Add something like this to your demo.txt file:

    set-content start-gadget.ps1 "get-date|out-gauge -type digital -refresh 0:0:01"get-content start-gadget.ps1./start-gadget

    Basically, start-demo is going to write the commands to a file.  Using set-content will make sure to overwrite if anything is already in that file everytime start-demo is invoked.

    You may want to use .NET to get a temporary file name, and use that instead?

  12. What you're doing is simply wrapping the commands so they run in their own scope (reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2007/03/07/invoke-expression.aspx).

    I feel like I'm missing what you're trying to accomplish...  Why doesn't simply using 'get-date|out-gauge -refresh 0:0:1' not do what you're looking for?

    Are you specifically looking to use get-date for more processing outside of that particular line?

    [Edited Wednesday, August 08, 2007 7:16:15 AM AST]

  13. Can you provide all the code?  You seem to have quoted only part of your script or command you are using.  How are you using it exactly?  Within a .ps1 script that pipes to out-gauge?

    Are you running the latest version because there are issues with refresh under certain circumstances in previous versions?

  14. Tryed with -NoProfile and only powergadgets snapin loaded. All the same. Windows Vista Business Russian if this matters, russian locale (tryed with english locale - same result).

    Filemon and Regmon is replaced by Process Monitor btw. You can download it here: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/processmonitor.mspx

     I'm attached two logs in Procmon format, one filtered by powergadgets process and another by path.

    In both captured the moment when i executed

    Get-Date | Out-Gauge -Refresh 0:0:1

    and some seconds after this.


    Nothing seems to stand out here.  One thing though, -refresh (or simply hitting refresh from the gadget itself) seems to cause the invokation of a new PowerShell runspace when I trace on my system.  (Assuming I know what I'm talking about here, because I am definitely not a programmer.)

    This is what is missing from your trace...  The runspace isn't invoked from what I can tell, but I don't see an error telling me why.  I do see something about "FAST IO DISALLOWED", but a google search doesn't seem to indicate this is a major issue.

    Would it be too much trouble to do a trace when you pick refresh by right-clicking on the gadget?

    You don't happen to have these running as a virtual machine that you could send me (either Vmware or Virtual Server)?


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