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Posts posted by marco.shaw

  1. Are we gonna be able to use V2 with powergadgets? I installed v2 but saving and packaging results in error.

    Can you be more specific about what problem you are having?  I have the v2 CTP installed, and have played a little with PowerGadgets since, and haven't had any problems (well one with a graph, that I haven't verified worked with PSH v1 yet).


  2. What output do you get now?  I'll have to try to find a webservice that requires complex XML as input.  I tried it, and just get:

    PSH> ./invoke.ps1
    Invoke-WebService : Unable to connect to the remote server
    At C:\invoke.ps1:1 char:18
    + invoke-webservice <<<<  -WSDL http://dcorp77/management/managementservice.asmx?WSDL -Method ProbeService "<?xml versi
    on=`"1.0`"?><ProbeServiceRequest xmlns:xsd=`"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema`" xmlns:xsi=`"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLS
    chema-instance`" SchemaVersion=`"1`" xmlns=`"http://schemas.compassion.com/management/probeservicerequest/2007-04-01`">

    So it appears to accept the syntax for me at least.  You are putting everything in one single line?


  3. We should use the Gold MVP logo, if we use the logo in a signature, a URL should be enabled to click back to powergadgets, etc.

    Good ideas...  In public forums, I'll use an entry in my signature file pointing back to the PowerGadgets MVP program.  I have some other ideas like a MVP desktop background and MVP certificate.

    I am open to any ideas you may have.


    PS You can reach me here or at marcos@online.powergadgets.com (remove "online." to email me).

  4. Yes, you will need to upgrade.  Email support@online.powergadgets.com (remove "online.") to get the latest download location.

    As for you -disableauto parameter question, everytime the chart refreshes, things will basically start from scratch: if there's one data point, the graph will only show one, if there's more than one, the graph will show 2 data points.  Is that the behaviour you're looking for?

  5. Contents of Bubble.ps1


    $condition = {

      if ($_.Role -eq "R0") {


      } else {

      if ($_.Role -eq "R1") {


      } else {





    import-csv C:\Data\BubbleData.csv | out-chart -gallery Bubble -values SuccessPerc,Salary -xvalues Age -axisY_Title_Text "Success Percentage" -axisx_Title_Text "Age" -axisy2_Visible false -axisX_Min 10 -axisX_Max 50 -axisy2_Min 0 -axisy2_Max 4000 -conditionalattributes_0_color red -conditionalattributes_1_color yellow -conditionalattributes_2_color green -condition $condition -conditionalattributes_0_text "Role 0" -conditionalattributes_1_text "Role 1" -conditionalattributes_2_text "Role 2" -legendbox_itemattributes_-series_visible false

    NOTE: I tried this with versions 1.0.2806.25474 and 1.0.2855.20057.  My entire PowerShell session dies...  I'm not quite sure why just yet.  Could be an issue with using copy and paste of the code.

  6. So along the same lines as Ivan...  Drop these lines in a .ps1 script

    $Url = "http://www.somewebsite.com/dir.txt"    $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

        $Random = New-Object system.random   $DirResult = $WebClient.DownloadString($Url+"?t="+$Random.nextdouble())  $BytesFree = $DirResult | find "bytes free"  $BytesFree = $BytesFree.split(" ")[17] [double]$BytesFree

    Then pipe that .ps1 to out-gauge.  If you decide to leave the original code, and put all of that in a .ps1 script, make sure to invoke the function at the end of the .ps1.  Either put the script in your path, or pass the full path to out-gauge.

  7. Can I try it somehow?  I don't know of a 'public' webservice requiring authentication that I can test.  Do you have any strange characters in your username or password?  Maybe there's some kind of problem with the string passed...

    Otherwise, I might be able to whip a test up if I can borrow some C# code online to create my own webservice...

  8. Another example of the issue:


    I've not been able to find anything "official", but as you mention, it appears the idle process object has different properties.

    Thanks for pointing this out.  I had never tried this combination of properties.  Did you still want to graph this object?  I'm sure there's a workaround to manually calculating some of the values and graphing them along with the others.


  9. The dates are static the way I set them up, but I believe you could set them up dynamically in the XML of the template file.  How will the gadget be used?  Will it be restarted every so often, for example?  The gadget would have to be closed/reopened for the dates to get adjusted with the method I'm thinking of (if it works).

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