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 I have applied ToolTipAttributes to AllSeries in Chart control of WPF.

Is there any event or property thru which i can come to know that ToolTip is open or not when mouse hover over line. Reason behind is user is able to click behind the ToolTip popup which coming up... which gives bad user expereince.

 Please let me know if any solution avaialble for same.



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  • 3 weeks later...

 Hi JuanC,

Thanks for reply... after trial and errors i am able to solve this problem... 

I have added dummy element in my data template for ToolTip and capturing its load event.. than i am getting the reference of ToolTip element by navigating thru parent's parents using VisualTreeHelper..

 Now i had wired up with MouseLeave event of Chart Control so when ever mouse goes out of chart control i am calling IsOpen = false on ToolTip which i have go thru DataTemplate Load event...

Its basically ToolTip timer... so once i move from Line than also ToolTip is staying for while... and our users are really fast... who wanted to close tooltip as when away from chart...

 So above solved my problem for while


Shrenik :)

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