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IE Issues


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I am getting two problems with IE and my chart.

If I right click on my chart and select properties, the properties window opens and has a warning message in a tooltip in the top left corner with the message:

Microsoft .NET Security Warning

Never enter personal information or passwords into a windoe unless you can verify and trust the source of the request.

I am also getting this error when selecting to copy the chart to bmp:




The application does not have enough permissions to execute this operation.




I have added the site to trused sites but this does not help.

Any ideas?

Why do these forums not replace line breaks with brs, I had to add tags to the end of all my lines.... -.-

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When rendering charts with the .Net client control, some operations (like printing or saving to clipboard) require full trust for the zone in which the web site is running.

For example, if this application is in trusted sites, you need to make sure that the Trusted Stes zone has the .Net trust level set to full. On development machines this is not complicated since you will likely see the .Net Framework configuration console in Administrative Tools. On the other hand, machines without visual studio will not have this tool and will ned to use caspol from the command line:

cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727

caspol -machine -chggroup Internet_Zone FullTrust




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I am afraid these limitations escape our control. Clipboard operations and printing require local machine resources and it is understandable from a security standpoint that the browser does not have  enough privileges to perform them by default.

Have you tried rendering using our active image format (RenderFormat="Image"). A lot of the same interactive functionality is available and since it is AJAX based, it will work in any browser and will have less restrictions.



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We do have an option for the user to output the chart as auto (.net control if applicable) or image, but they love how they can resize it when its the .net control. Additionally the properties option is grayed out on the image version.

Is there a nice document I can point people towards about the rescritions of each mode and how to resolve them?



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