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How do I get all the javascript mm. with an object created in code


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Hello all!

I have a project where I create the chart in code (onlad event). I can work with the object and it renders with

RenderControl() command. It gives me an image map and a img tag with the usual aspx.  and a png format parameters. Looks fine.


But how do I get all of the other stuff/menu (javascript mm.) which I get if I create the chart using draganddrop. I guess there are som methods/properties I have to juggle with. But I can't find the right combination.

I want to start out with the stuff that is automatically created and then do my own adjustments to it. 

Any help would be much appreciated.




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Instead of calling render control, you must add the chart control to the page control tree at the appropriate time in the page lifecycle (CreateChildControls override). This way the chart can participate in all the stages of the page rendering cycle allowing it to inject scripts, style sheets to enable AJAX functionality.

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