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Basics for A newbie

Al Hapeman

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I want a X/y chart of mutiple models of our product.

each model has points (x and y)  the x's and y's for each model have different ranges.

I cannot for the life of me find a simple example where I can load this data point by point for each series (model).

I can see where a can change all kinds of attributes. but input the data point by point series by series no such luck.

Does anyone have such a simple example.

Thanks in advance.


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Did you check the "Passing Data" sample application included with the product? Ut can be accessed from the Resource Center.

I extracted the relevant code from this sample:

/* This function populates the chart using the API. First, you must specify the number of series and points

* and then pass the data. In this case we're passing random data. You can also use this method to pass X values,

* for which you will use chart1.Data.X[series, point] and chart1.Data.Y[series, point], instead of

* chart1.Data[series, point], which is simply to pass Y data.


chart1.Data.Series = 2;

chart1.Data.Points = 15;

for (int series = 0; series < chart1.Data.Series; series++)    for (int point = 0; point < chart1.Data.Points; point++)

  chart1.Data[series, point] = r.NextDouble() * 100;

 You can set X values in a similar way by doing:

  chart1.Data.X[series, point] = r.NextDouble() * 100;

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