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AllowDrag constrained to changes of Y-values

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If I create a Line chart without specifying X-coordinates, AllowDrag is

constrained to changes of Y-values, and this is reflected by the SizeNS

cursor; however if X-coordinates are specified, AllowDrag is unconstrained,

and the cursor is SizeAll. Ideally, I would like to allow users to change

Y-values while keeping X-values fixed, even though the chart may have

unevenly distributed X-values. Is there some means of achieving this?

Turning AllowDrag off and overriding the control's behaviour using mouse

events and coordinate transformations seems a wee bit hairy.

Many thanks (and my apologies if there's an AllowDrag.YOnly property I



The way to achieve what you want is by processing the DataChangedByUser 

event as follows:

private void chart1_DataChangedByUser (object sender,PointLabelEventArgs e)


if (e.Axis == chart1.AxisX)

e.Handled = true; // Prevent change of X-Axis values



Francisco Padron



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