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 Can you please explain the working of Y axis in my scenario with the series?

 I am comparing it. How will I get the Index of the series to which the Y axis belongs to ? Here is the code snippet for it

AxisY temp_Y = (AxisY)e.Object;string SeriesName ; 

for(IntYAxisCount = 0; IntYAxisCount < chartHistoricGraph.AxesY.Count;IntYAxisCount++){  if(temp_Y.Equals(chartHistoricGraph.AxesY[intYAxisCount]))  {   SeriesName = chartHistoricGraph.Series[intYAxisCount].Text;   break;  }} 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Following is the code how I got the exact Y axis on which user has clicked.

int IntSeriesIndex = 0;

AxisY YAxisObject = (AxisY)e.Object;for (int IntYAxisCount = 0; IntYAxisCount < chartHistoricGraph.AxesY.Count; IntYAxisCount++)


if (YAxisObject.Equals(chartHistoricGraph.AxesY[intYAxisCount]))


string LegendName = chartHistoricGraph.AxesY[intYAxisCount].Title.ToString();for (int IntSeriesCount = 0; IntSeriesCount < chartHistoricGraph.Series.Count; IntSeriesCount++)


if (chartHistoricGraph.Series[intSeriesCount].Text == LegendName.ToString())


IntSeriesIndex = IntSeriesCount;







I am facing one more issue, on change of the color of series, the dynamically added Yaxis color is not changing.

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User can change the color of the series by picking it from color pallet(User can right click on the series and change the color). To do this I am using the CommandID "29468", when user changes the color at runtime the color the Y axis should also change. But it is not changing, as I am using the predefined CommandID, I am not sure how I can change the color of the Y-axis at runtime.

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