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New feature request (or maybe it is there and I just don't see it)


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Are there any plans to add forms type event handling to the gadgets? I know it is possible to have some drill down capability through recursion, but I'm thinking more along the lines of click and double-click event handling. So for instance if I have a gadget that shows the number of running processes on a dev server, then if I click the gadget, it would open a powershell window and run a command to list those processes. If I double click the gadget it would run a different PoSH script that cleans up some processes that are notorious for hanging and mass reproduction (*cough*...symantec report agent...*cough).



Of course it is entirely possible that this functionality is already there and I just haven't stumbled across it yet. If that is the case then any information to get me stumbling in the right direction would be great.

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There isn't an option for single-click versus double-click, but a double-click/drilldown could open up a Windows form by simply calling a PowerShell script written to do so.  That being said, you might want to pass what was double-clicked on to the form somehow?

Give me a slightly more detailed example, considering what I've said above...

The resulting Windows form could have option buttons listed for you to do more specific tasks like you mention.

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Actually what prompted this is the example that I have listed above. I have a digital panel that simply shows the number of processes that are running on a server: (gwmi win32_process -comp "XXXXXX").count. What I would like to be able to do is to click the panel and have it run a powershell script to list those processes: gwmi win32_process -comp "XXXXXX" | ft name

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Ok, on a second read of the quickstart manual I see that I may be able to do what I want by using Multiple PowerShell Scripts (pg 27). The example given is for creating a gadget from the command line. I am using the creator instead and I do not see a way to add a -DrillDown_Script property in the creator.

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Start with this:

1. Copy the attached test.pgf.txt file to your system in C:\, and rename to test.pgf.

2. Copy the start-monitor.ps1 script from here to C:\: http://thepowershellguy.com/blogs/posh/archive/2007/01/21/powershell-gui-scripblock-monitor-script.aspx. (I could attach it here if you have problems.)

Copy both to the same location, double-click test.pgf which should start a gadget, then try double-clicking the gadget itself.

This is a basic framework for what you've asked for.  Let me know what you think...

In the next 2 weeks, I'll try to create a guest blog post on this.  You don't have access to the drilldown features from Creator, but there's a copy and paste trick that can help out here.

[Edit: The original test.pgf puts the path and snap-ins as per my configuration.  Attached a new test.pgf referencing C:\ and removed the extra snap-ins I have loaded.]

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Very nice! Is there anyway to change the location from C:\ to a certain folder? I don't keep all of my scripts in the C: folder.



You can change the folder: Open up the .pgf file in Notepad or another text editor, and edit these 2 lines to your liking with the full path:




<Data.DrillDown.Script>C:\start-monitor.ps1 -s {gwmi win32_process -comp localhost}</Data.DrillDown.Script>


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