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Function not recognized

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I'm trying to get the refresh option to work but not having any luck. Here's a short example of what I have and what I'm trying to do.  In my profile script I have this function defined:

Function Get-LogStamp {(get-date).toString('yyyMMddhhmmss')}

In Powershell it works fine.  I see it listed in Function: and generally it appears to be available. But when I do something like this:

get-logstamp | out-gauge -type digital -refresh 0:0:10

 When the refresh period comes around I get an error:

The term 'get-logstamp' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program or script file. Verify the term and try again.

I know it's a valid function name. Why the error? 

Jeffery HicksSAPIEN Technologies - Scripting, Simplified. www.SAPIEN.comVBScript & Windows PowerShell Training - www.ScriptingTraining.com/classes.aspWindows PowerShell? - www.SAPIENPress.com/powershell.aspblog: http://blog.SAPIEN.comblog: http://jdhitsolutions.blogspot.com 


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In order to refresh independently from the PowerShell session that created the gadget (so that you can close it and keep the gadget alive) we are hosting powershell and it seems we are not loading the functions in your profile. We will check if we can fix this bug in our next service pack.

In the meantime you will have to create a script that returns the required data, e.g.

Contents of logstamp.ps1


To make this workaround independent of your folder location you may also have to save this ps1 in a directory in your path. We apologize for the inconvenience.


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I should have realized that. Using a script works just fine. Loading the profile would be helpful, or at least have the option. With PowerShell Community Extensions and other snapins becoming more popular, it makes sense that people will want to leverage those with PowerGadgets.


Jeffery HicksSAPIEN Technologies - Scripting, Simplified. www.SAPIEN.comVBScript & Windows PowerShell Training - www.ScriptingTraining.com/classes.aspWindows PowerShell? - www.SAPIENPress.com/powershell.aspblog: http://blog.SAPIEN.comblog: http://jdhitsolutions.blogspot.com 

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Thought you might like to know what I was working on:



Jeffery HicksSAPIEN Technologies - Scripting, Simplified. www.SAPIEN.comVBScript & Windows PowerShell Training - www.ScriptingTraining.com/classes.aspWindows PowerShell? - www.SAPIENPress.com/powershell.aspblog: http://blog.SAPIEN.comblog: http://jdhitsolutions.blogspot.com 


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