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Desktop Layout Settings


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In Powergadgets Creator, the Desktop Layout Settings under the Edit menu, allows you to set the size of your gadget.

If you choose any of the preset sizes (smaller, small, medium, large or larger) the gadget displays correctly. But if you choose Custom size and then specify your width and height, when the gadget runs it does not show on the desktop (although the gadget shows when pressing alt-tab).



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This is a bug where we are internally resetting the gadget size to 0 when set to Custom.

We have fixed this issue in our current build, If you want to get it before it is released as a public build, please contact tech support  (see website for details).

Note that after getting a new build you will have to remove the personalization of this gadget or resave it using the creator, we will add a blog post about this feature soon (I will add a reply with a link to the article as soon as it is uploaded)


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